
Showing posts from July, 2006


There is an old Native American story that goes something like this: Grandfather is sitting with the grand child and telling the story. There are these two wolves inside me that have an ancient fight. One wolf is for all my goodness, kindness, beauty, compassion, gentleness, and grace. The other is for my anger, hate, bad self, arrogance, selfishness, and greed. The fight is always ongoing when I am aware. The grand child asks; "So granpa, which wolf is going to win?". " THE ONE I FEED THE MOST" answers the grandfather. Feed your good nature my child by not feeding the bad one in you. That is just one way of walking this Earth my love. Find your good nature and find a friend for life.


The number of shows and books on how the quantum field of energy works for OR against us are on the rise. A new one out is called "the secret" available on DVD which has gone a long way in making the idea simple and understandable. The makers of this film aught to be congratulated! The one issue I would pick with the good folks is the concentration on "abundance" being translated as "monetary wealth" for the most part. There was a point where a lady doctor did refer to this point and mentioned that unless we have the foundation of peace and serenity the wealth in and of itself will not be sufficient for gaining that optimum utopia! Simplicity has always been the best approach for most, so in that spirit let us all at least accept that we are the designer of our world. If I continue to complain about things that are "not right" with my life, then that is what my energies are going to produce more of "things that are not right". I had a ...


Well my children, it seems we meet only to remember how we love being in each other's company. I have learned much from this summer's vacation trip to your neck o' the woods. I have been blessed with voices calling me "babajune", a most endearing sound to a man's ears. In Persian it means "dear to heart granpa" and indeed you all have made this granpa feel beloved and trusted for his old wisdom. You ladies, my daughters, have blossomed into humans with values that say "in this world we are the ones who make a difference every day with our presence. We are the ones who by being good to the heart and graceful in the action, bring peace and well being to those near and dear to us". You my children are the diamonds made from the rock of my life in the mill that is all your own. May this universe always bless you with more than you need in all things and take away from you that which is not pleasant to you. May God bring wisdom to your hearts an...


No comparing either, please love! Along the path we meet those who bear gifts of THE SOURCE , some stay a while longer than others, but all come to carry us through the next bend. So in that regard, I am a teacher by design, you are a teacher by Providence. My place under the heavens is not so far away from yours, else we would not have met so intimately. I can only compare me to me, you do the same. If indeed we could see for but a moment that "there is only SOURCE" then we would surly be free of this talks of you and me, them and us. THERE IS ONLY GOD, INDIVISIBLE, ALL IS MANIFESTATIONS OF GOD'S ESSENCE IN CREATION, IT IS ALWAYS NOW ! Normal is just another word for lacking the courage to fly free from the chains. We keep some, we all keep some my love.


If you don't mind my love, let me repeat this most important lesson of my life to you. WATCH YOUR THOUGHTS FOR THEY BECOME WORDS, WATCH YOUR WORDS FOR THEY BECOME ACTIONS, WATCH YOUR ACTIONS FOR THEY BECOME HABITS, WATCH YOUR HABITS FOR THEY BECOME YOUR CHARACTER, SEE YOUR CHARACTER BECOME YOUR DESTINY. Learn my love from the experiences of others before you. See the characteristics you do not find appealing in others and remove them from your own self. If you claim to be a good Gardner, produce the fruit and not just the idea of gardening. As thoughts come to you, watch them carefully my love, care not to give life to those thoughts that once transformed into words and actions may prove to be not the intentions of your "good" self. Could haves and should haves are wasteful thoughts after the effect, but every day is always a new beginning.

YIN and YANG LiGht & dArK

In the face of "pure evil" most humans will cringe and fold up maybe even cry. But then what is "evil"? Is it evil to lie to the masses and trick them into buying things that are not even close to a fair value for what they spend? Is it evil to force your will upon a people or individual because "you" believe you are right? Is it not just as evil to take what belongs to some body else who happens to not know better or is too weak to do any thing about the aggression? Is it not evil to say "I hate you" to our loved ones or friends and neighbors? Is it not evil to judge some as lower in humanity calling them savages? Is it not evil to yell at your spouse and make them feel belittled, or your children? My children, hear me now, that "evil" is the total sum of all of our negative inputs into the mechanism of life. Listen again, every time any one says or does an act filled with hate or total negative feelings, that field of "evil ene...


How long then my love before the "I" is no longer? How long then before "I" am annihilated, melted like the rain drops in the ocean that is YOU? A morsel of a touch, a look from the corner of you eyes, a hint of this love and this "I" is all but MU! Let the strings of this being play only the music that is good! Like the music of the trees and the clouds that only serve and never seek any recognition. Let the music of this instrument be the vibrations of such high energy that they burn the instrument to ashes my love. My love, my life, "I" wait for the strings to be strung every passing moment. YOU are always playing a new world!


We seem to go through our daily routines as though we own it all.I have been asking friends and family members who are not much "into" this God and spirituality thing about their beliefs or relation to their origins and for the most part none will have any clue as to the extent of the sleepy dreamful way of the life they lead. For the most part their day is filled with activities and TV, entertainment of some sort or another, keeping busy with an animal or a toy, then go to bed and maybe even get high on something or another(as God know I have done myself) and start the whole thing over again the next day. I have been to homes where the TV(s) never shut down, most even fall sleep to the box's sounds. HAVE WE BECOME A NATION OF WATCHERS AND FOLLOWERS WITHOUT CONTACT WITH OUR OWN INNER SOUL? Look my love I am only writing these lines because I know you will read them and maybe question your daily patterns. See if you indeed are living a life or passing through an existing ...


Takieh bar jaayeh bozorgon nashavad zad beh gezaaf Ta' keh asbaabeh bozorgi hameh a'modeh shavad. Many false prophets and masters claiming to be avetars! No, this cannot be done until the home is furnished with greatness! If the teacher says it is so because I say so, know my child that this one is a false one. If the path does not change your life for better, If you do not feel long term continous peace, then this too is not the way! Know this too my child, As the presence of the Sun needs not any proof or convincing, nor will the presence of the light of the beloved. There is a knowing that is not knowing but becoming, being and flowing effortlessly. Caught in desire you will only see manifestations. When you are one with THE SOURCE you will not need thoughts to propell you.


Good day love! >:D So, whether you call it a past life regression or an out of body experience, or a vision from the spirit or God's commandment, it is all the same flow of the ancient message from the source to itself. LOVE LOVE LOVE LIGHT LIGHT LOVE. How then can one "BLAME" others or look for "GUILTY ONES" if one is coming from that love-light center? We are all directed into and out of experiences only to have this ancient message delivered because we indeed did sign a contract of sorts when we left our celestial body to enter the human form. That we would not forget, that we would remain truthful (I am tearful and sobbing as I write this my love) and faithful to our SOURCE. But alas! ohhhhhhhh alas my love look how forgetful we have become, look how we are wrapped in the MAYA and only remember vaguely that promise. I am grateful to have met you and hope that we are both "THE REMINDERS" in each others' lives. There is nothing more important ...