I am judged on many occasions by friends and loved ones for having a humble home in a poor neighborhood with used furniture and for not having the "drive" to seek more monetary goods and means of this world even though I am educated enough and capable of doing so. I have even been told by some that they feel ashamed for me! even though they admire my knowledge and wisdom in areas of medicine and metaphysics. I asked one "how can you honor me as the wise shaman, and not respect my choice of dwelling?" Is my house who I am? Am I the clothes I were or the money I have in the bank? Is my honor directly connected to how well I do business in search of monetary gains?" Or whether I have published books and gained notoriety? Indeed this note is a reconfirmation of my stance which is as solid as my spirit in love. The fleeting nature of worldly goods and "stuff" has proven beyond any doubt the necessity of a life free from the desire to gather much of them for me. Let there be no question mark here, will I deny receiving wealth or a big home? No! The big home in fact would ensure the gathering of more friends and family kids to share time over a meal made with tender love. The intent behind desiring the stuff of this world is what I am talking about. To be in the world and not of the world is not just a cliche' to me, it is a way of life. For the same reason I would not deny myself a cast made by an M.D. if I have a broken bone, but I would not take his chemical compounds for medicine unless I know the exact nature of its temporary work(Penicillin is a good example); Nature has plenty ready made medinines and I have been blessed to know of them and have used them for my health and others too. At 55 years of age, I am blessed with never having been to a doctor! My humble life style is a learned lesson from much greater men than myself in our human history, they too chose to live "poor" by the worldly standards and gather riches in the house of THE FRIEND.


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