
Showing posts from March, 2007


How would you recognize your true love standing right before you at your door steps? Would you agree that in order to "see" we need to have "eyes"? Can the eyes of one murky inside from many events in the past "see" through the clutter of self's own created images(almost all of which are false images )? BE, before becoming love! What then is one to do in order not to miss out on the LOVE OFFERED SO FREELY? What preparations, what intentions and attentions are required for such vision? If I say I am ready now to settle down and have my "mate" for the rest of this physical life, and..give as best as I can a description of how hish(he/she) would be (appearance,disposition,spirit..) to the universal order processing center(hahahahaha); Will hish(he/she) come in exact measure of my request or timing? It is without a doubt my children that as you PURIFY the vehicle of body/mind/spirit, all your desires are fulfilled without an exception. BUT.. oh...


Greetings; just a quick way of adding contents to this blog. I was impressed so here is the feed to the UK! clipped from from the Mail online Hubble: The most amazing space photographs in the universe Hubble: The most amazing space photographs in the universe Picture 1 of 10: The Sombrero Galaxy - 28 million light years from Earth - was voted best picture taken by the Hubble telescope. The dimensions of the galaxy, officially called M104, are as spectacular as its appearance. It has 800 billion suns and is 50,000 light years across « BACK NEXT »  


Once awakened the spirit child will cry out daily until it receives its meal. Once fed it brings calm, just to be reawakened in tears in yet another moment or two(your moment my love or mine?). The cycle of systematic/epistemic changes may seem the same to the sleepy hollows, but every leaf, every Spring is the new child in need of new attention from the Gardner. Be attentive my beloved, the garden is always in need of your touch, be ever so vigilant and present. You of all people who have tasted the fruit, why tarry my love? Waters will always come to the gardens with attentive gardners! The river told me the other day that it is rushing to reach its home and we smiled at one another when he said "but you my friend are already home, where is your light?" I hesitated after the smile before the tears ran down my cheeks thinking of the dark thought which the river saw as an eternal moment. I don't know when I made it home this day, or who kept the memory of it all, but her...

IN SILENCE(chinmoku)

Sala'm(peace)children; Learn my beautiful ones to be in silence more, both inwardly and on the outside. It is our anticipatory nature of the churning mind that often results in our taking actions or not acting upon what hinders or enhances our enlightened lives. The Chapparel never yells out its healing nature "Who is it inside me that I am so quiet and he so loudly churns the words?" A quote from a teacher some 900 years ago! Learn my children about that churning part of your mind and how to quiet hish(a word I have invented to denote he/she or him/her or his/hers, just to keep it neutral) ways! Yeah! hish needs to change hish ways if anything new is to happen here! ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


Salam(peace) children; I received a link from an old Friend called " peace train Tehran " which, I though was appropriate enough to our times to put here for all to see. It is a small flash movie with Cat Stevens(Yusif Islam)'s Peace Train music. Pictures of Iran most Westerners will never get to see. As our beloved George is posturing in the Persian Gulf, we need to say " PEACE BROTHER GEORGE "! oN a separate note, if less of us watched the news about the seeming conflicts, and did not give it so much life, instead focused our attentions on PEACE and loving our neighbors in our own individual neighborhoods, in our own small ways, wars would not have a chance of taking hold! Namaste'(I bow before the place within you that is GOD) ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


There is no one more openly irreverent than a lover. He jumps up on the scale opposite eternity and claims to balance it! No one more secretly reverent!! Only grammatically is the Dervish a lover, a doer.. In reality, so overcome, so dissolved into love, for him all qualities of doingness disappear! note:( found this in my hand writing on an envelope, don't know whether it came out of me or some other soul's being, but true it is to the nature of a lover). A sigh of a thousand years bursts out of me at every breath longing for my beloved's touch. When we sit together caressing in silence, no pain, no desires, not a care...I am as naked as the Dolphins of the sea. How this body holds the light within, ahhh.. I'd fall apart but for the GRACE of the beloved... ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


I am asked about "free will" to which I always reply as did my brother in life Einstein. The only free will we have is to decide whether we continue with acts that hinder our inner growth and wisdom or enhance it. He of course said it this way: "The only decision you have to make in life is whether you live in a hostile or friendly universe" Every day I have a fresh start at this free will, either I do things, think things, and say things which evolve me to a better human or I continue with the old habitual stuff of my conditioned self. One cannot build a new home unless the old one is destroyed first. Christ never mentioned Hell! He did however, mentioned LOVE AND DYING UNTO YOUR OLD SELF. If you find your self caught at a cross road, to one of which you'd say to your self "I'd rather die than do this thing" Then do that thing, because therein lies your growth! Daily bread is not made of flour my love! Spinner Dolphins spin up to seven complete r...