Sala'm(peace) my children! There seem to be so many "guides, seers, telepathics, readers,....) that its getting harder to tell the real thing from the fake ones. I mean folks are selling "how to find yourself" books and cd's left and right which, is nice in a most basic way. But as I have said before my love, if you have to pay for your inner peace or be coached while paying the money, then I'm afraid you'll stay lost.

Look, if we just undrstand the basics my chidren, the rest is a walk! You know that your entire body stores memories and associations through a network of pathways, chemicals, electrical pulses, brain waves, and neuro activities. So, you are not what you own, know, percieve, or what others say that you are or not!

Next time someone tells you that you are this or that, or are not this or that, remeber if you can, that when you react with negative thoughts of being offended, hurt, shamed, feeling guilty, or any of these kinds of emotional reactions, you have just been the victim of a process in which your memories along with this person's input brought upon your being a state which, does not really exist! It was made up by that outside "button pusher" and you inside "memories" about that particular subject. You must then be able to (if you consider yourself "AWAKE" or "AWARE" of life's forces) separate the moment from the momory and know that, "EVERY ONE IS YOUR TEACHER"! It is in fact all about learning not about being this or not being the other. BEING AUGHT NOT TO BE A TASK, IT IS SO ONLY TO THE EGO!

So it is with all our life's experiences, encounters, talks, arguements, desires, on and on and on... They are tools of THE MASTER who is the teacher at all times. What sadness or grief offers is only a way of manifesting and exposing joy and comfort! If you get mad at someone who just called you a name or in the middle of a good conversation repeatedly told you what you cannot see or understand, don't cut off the conversation my love, bring your PEACE AND GRACE to the arena and listen without your EGO or memories! Say thank you, be at peace!

I tell you children, it cannot be any easier than being patient with your cats and dogs or little ones, but it takes being awake first within yourself my beautiful ones. And...I believe I have left plenty of how to's in this last year anyway to help you along if you truly care to become ONE WITH THE SOURCE! Have better self awareness and maintain a flow that is always GRACEFUL!

Well, remember, the "I-MAGE_2) is coming soon enough, it along with the part one holds many good "teachings" and all you have to do is be a good student of life on this old campus! AYMAN!



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