In the past couple of days, while working through what appeared to be a sinus cold (heavy pressure, watery eyes, coughing) I had occasions to remember my teacher's advice "All your experiences whether in pain or joy are guests in your home(body), welcome them one and all as dear guests because each one has a gift for you in new learning and awakening". Heed my words now my children, any time you commence to blame another as the cause your unhappiness let the awakened soul within you shout NO! It is not your addicted partner, it is not your overwhelming job, it is not the neighbor's kids, it is not the family member who is a blabbermouth...NO, NO, NO! Most emphatically NO! It is the unhappiness within you that seeks to put the blame on another. It is you unhappy with you! Has it ever helped you or your serenity when you blame or find fault with any other? Has it made life any easier or made you feel any better when you sit in judgment of the shortcoming of others? Does complaining about a common cold or a pain ever made it go away any faster? Did the weather ever change because you exclaimed such resentments towards its harshness? COME AWAKE MY CHILD! COME AWAKE NOW AND KNOW THAT TRUE INNER PEACE DOES NOT REST UPON HOW THE OUTER WORLD IS!


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