How much for that jewel in the window? What price would I pay for which commodity? How much for my "dignified self image" or "peace and serenity"? We barter and exchange many types of currencies daily regardless of our awareness!

Universe too has its bartering and exchanging system in place. If I should desire to be more IN-TUNE (that's a commodity exchanged daily); What would I be willing to pay the UNIVERSAL BANK OF ENERGY TRANSFERENCE(U-BET)? After all every thing IS ENERGY! Will I sit daily in front of a blank screen of my self and quiet the mind in order to exchange for the goods I desire? Will I give up all that "HINDER" this journey? Even at the most conveniently driven mind set, I still have to walk to the market to get the wine AND! Pay the clerk in currency acceptable for the exchange. With me so far? OK then! INPUT-OUTPUT-INPUT-OUTPUT...God bless you!...

Do I want to build a house? Until the house is built then, I must continue putting one brick on top of the other and tend to the integrity of my work. An overweight person(with correct metabolism) has only to answer one question, HOW MUCH AM I WILLING TO PAY FOR WHAT I DESIRE? (2-3 times Aerobic exercise daily, change of food habits, times of eating and the quality,etc..). The how and where's of it is predetermined in the universal bank. Upon receipt of the payment in full or VERY REGULAR INSTALLMENTS, There will be a fair trade.

The results always correlate with the input, Never an iota missed or misplaced. The beauty my children about this Universal Exchange Rate of Currency is that price has been the same, will be the same, and always is fair and plentiful! Why then, I ask my doubting Thomas Self, will you not become a regular customer of such wonderful commodities at such reasonable rates? What, are you sick or something? PUt this MOnkeY down once and for all my child and be a regular customer at the daily bank of universal sources!

Know this for certain my child; Thoughts are energy and energy produces matter. Think well then my love, think all good and all Grace in all things! The rod with which you judge others is the exact measure you WILL be judged by. Nothing moral about this my love, IT JUST IS SO BY DESIGN!


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