ONE of the oldest arguments in philosophy and religion has been to make sense of our place as humans in God's "plans". Of course for those who do not even wish to acknowledge the possibility of an Omnipotent Creator, this is doubly troubling because like the rest of us, they see their own so called "free will" or that of their fellow humans get us in more trouble and create more problems as time goes on. More so now than ever before in our common history.

In that we all come from a field of energy there is no arguments however. Even for the atheists, if they are scientifically somewhat indoctrinated that FIELD OF ENERGY is a reality that for now just does not have a name because as close as science has gotten to explaining its aspects, nonetheless we don' know what it is!

I mean, look at your life, you were an embryo first, before that a two part ready to be mixed bunch of cells in separate containers. Before that the containers containing your essence of being were themselves in a similar way. Well how far back can you go with this twosome thing before you get to infinity then have to say but.....!? But if you accept pure science you have to now accept the process of particle accelerators' results which indicate that the more we open these molecules and atoms we are made up of the more we see emptiness and more smaller particles and infinity becomes us!!

OK, with me so far? Good! We must as Max Plank(nuclear physicist,20th century) would say "accept and agree that this intelligent source is the matrix of all matter". For my point of view this is enough. I don't care if you call it God almighty, Christ the Savior, Buddha The One, Allah, these are all mere words none of which means diddly if one does not get the essence of THAT SOURCE!

And also we must no doubt accept that as a piece or part of that infinite source there is something in me that is connected to that infinity in as much as particles don't just make more particles. I AM AS INFINITE AS THE SOURCE FROM WHICH I CAME FROM(its a Paradox but never mind that for now). Wow!! Does that mean I can choose and have free will? You betcha! Except that the only real choice you have is to either be connected consciously to this source and use its energy, or be connected to its infinite possibilities without awareness and be subject to whatever comes out!

Be a part of the creative power of this source or part of what is created in the after math! Which is it? Am I or am I not capable of co-creating my life using this source? And if so, Am I or Am I; willing to put the disciplines taught by those who "got this" to use and learn how it is done? If I want to learn how to do anything I don't know, I need to believe there are others who know how.

Once we make this choice to act upon the principles of "The Laws of Attractions" we gain the wisdom and become loving enough to never again experience despair or emptiness, anger, or hate. We then are indeed having surrendered our EGO to the infinite Energy of The Source, are free and willing beings with the universe at our disposal to make stuff happen rather than having them happen to us.


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