
Showing posts from September, 2006


SO..Let us pick up where we were yesterday. Accepting that every thing is ENERGY, we then come to understand that thoughts are energy. Every thought produces energy with which we build the days of our lives. Every object which we surround ourselves with has energy , and like a scented candle all objects in our lives will help in shaping the days of our lives. I don't wish to sound repetitive, but it helps I believe in getting the point home. Sounds have energy too, right? So what do you listen to, the sounds of your music, the sounds of your words, the sounds of your own thoughts will make the days of your lives as they are. Imagine if you will, a giant container of liquid (many thousands of gallons), now put a drop of red dye at one corner of it, just one drop! This red dye may take a while to get to the other side of this giant bowl of liquid, but no doubt it will, in fact in a very short time we can measure the amount and the distance of its travel(the red dye) into the liquid b...


ONE of the oldest arguments in philosophy and religion has been to make sense of our place as humans in God's "plans". Of course for those who do not even wish to acknowledge the possibility of an Omnipotent Creator, this is doubly troubling because like the rest of us, they see their own so called "free will" or that of their fellow humans get us in more trouble and create more problems as time goes on. More so now than ever before in our common history. In that we all come from a field of energy there is no arguments however. Even for the atheists, if they are scientifically somewhat indoctrinated that FIELD OF ENERGY is a reality that for now just does not have a name because as close as science has gotten to explaining its aspects, nonetheless we don' know what it is! I mean, look at your life, you were an embryo first, before that a two part ready to be mixed bunch of cells in separate containers. Before that the containers containing your essence of be...


In the past couple of days, while working through what appeared to be a sinus cold (heavy pressure, watery eyes, coughing) I had occasions to remember my teacher's advice "All your experiences whether in pain or joy are guests in your home(body), welcome them one and all as dear guests because each one has a gift for you in new learning and awakening". Heed my words now my children, any time you commence to blame another as the cause your unhappiness let the awakened soul within you shout NO! It is not your addicted partner, it is not your overwhelming job, it is not the neighbor's kids, it is not the family member who is a blabbermouth...NO, NO, NO! Most emphatically NO! It is the unhappiness within you that seeks to put the blame on another. It is you unhappy with you! Has it ever helped you or your serenity when you blame or find fault with any other? Has it made life any easier or made you feel any better when you sit in judgment of the shortcoming of others? Does...


There are no accidents! To see the depth of this reality one must first be an objective viewer of the flow of life's daily energies through the movements of waves. The waves are as the circles created when one drops a pebble in a pond, they do not just appear and move a leaf on water, they are set in motion by the hand of the one who threw the stone!Can I say this again without being too redundant? Have faith above all that, THE FORCE which created the universe from total nothingness, is very much willing to share that force! You can be the one carrying the stone if you go to where the stone quarry is!


So much of what we learn is through relationships in our lives that if we do not value them and honor the experience we indeed are the losers we don't want to think we are. It is specially beautiful when the learning is through an intimate relationship with another human. A family member, a lover, a very close friend, a neighbor, a co-worker. I tell you children, we must always see only THE SOURCE unfolding and not harbor any negativity about any experience. I am not saying my love to stay in a relationship where there is abuse or, stay at a job where you are not at all happy with,but that if you stay aware and awake, get out of the relationship peacefully enough to say I learned . But to learn my children we must ourselves come from a place inside that is centered and in harmony with the energies around us. If certain charateristics of a loved one is not "pleasing" to me or I think I need more to be " satisfied " then it is not their shortcoming I need to see,...


Hello love! Thank you for being in my life! the many forms you take! My humble gratitude much like the essence of your being does not fit in these meager words. Words can only point to that direction where there is only you! The annihilated "me" can only be here now because of your graceful presence. Ahhh! If you should but for a moment take your attention off of the flow of TAO, all shall cease to exist! Grateful I am, Ab Ovo so for the gentle touch of your love and grace that abounds. When in meditation i have no needs, no thoughts, no desires, BUT YOU MY LOVE! Only you! Solomenthe tu! Tanha~to'! Who else could love as you? NONE!
For LOVE if it finds you worthy will lead the way without any effort on your part. Without EGO love moves! It is not a "DOING" that makes meditation work, It is instead being preset! Just sitting with the INTENTION to connect to the SOURCE of all things, to quiet the mind from its churning, but in intending so my children, all I have to "DO" is show up daily, sit down and let the breath which sustains me keep me PRESENT IN THE HERE AND NOW, RECEIVING THE FLOW OF TAO THAT IS EVERYWHERE! Namaste', Namaste'


We need to have a measuring rod it seems so as to not get dishearten about our progress in most endeavors in life. Even in spiritual matters which, tend to be so subtle and alone in their nature. GOD is alone! How does a true seeker get his/her mind around this? How can we know this and still go on being arrogant about what intelligent/beautiful/handsome/rich/successful/.......... People we are? And arrogance/EGO has a very subtle and sneaky way of showing up nearly every day for those who stay "awake" enough to notice. When I judge a certain group or behavior as so abhorring and horrible, that it "bothers me", tell me love if it is not my EGO speaking? When we regard any matter as separate, and can look upon its nature without compassion my children, we have succumbed to the HAUGHTY and have fallen from GRACE! Grace; Is a tough act to keep up if that's all it is "an act"! Tough state of mind to keep if we are not consistent with watchful eyes on the ...


Time heals all wounds! Time waits for no one! Time will make a man out of a boy and a lady from a little girl. Time will remember all things and never forget. Now, can you tell me my child if these simple lessons have been heeded by most? As soon as we encounter a situation that seems to burden our mind and test our patience, we seem to be fresh out of time or patience to wait and consider the matter. We learn from our mistakes in time, and aught to remember that next time we humanly make another in the wake of a hasty decision born out of an emotional response. Any decision we make in haste my love makes for another mistake. Time is always on our side, because in a 100 years none of it matters! OOPS! and POOF! You and all your concerns are no longer important! SIT MY LOVE FOR A TIME AND PONDER YOUR ORIGIN AND BE FREE OF THIS ILLUSION. SIT WITH FATHER TIME AND MEET ITS MAKER IN ACTION. JUST SIT, BREATHE, CLOSE YOUR EYES AND LET YOUR BREATH COUNT THE PASSING TIME.


How much for that jewel in the window? What price would I pay for which commodity? How much for my "dignified self image" or "peace and serenity"? We barter and exchange many types of currencies daily regardless of our awareness! Universe too has its bartering and exchanging system in place. If I should desire to be more IN-TUNE (that's a commodity exchanged daily); What would I be willing to pay the UNIVERSAL BANK OF ENERGY TRANSFERENCE(U-BET)? After all every thing IS ENERGY! Will I sit daily in front of a blank screen of my self and quiet the mind in order to exchange for the goods I desire? Will I give up all that "HINDER" this journey? Even at the most conveniently driven mind set, I still have to walk to the market to get the wine AND! Pay the clerk in currency acceptable for the exchange. With me so far? OK then! INPUT-OUTPUT-INPUT-OUTPUT...God bless you!... Do I want to build a house? Until the house is built then, I must continue putting one b...