How often do we find ourselves trying not to let something bother us? Something from the outside comes in the space of my being and pushes a button. I resent the cause or the person or object(whatever it maybe) that has just disturbed my peace, Or do I? Do I resent that person, thing, or place or the way I feel? Because let's face it as people who claim to be kind and at peace for the most part, as spiritual aspirants who claim to be so "in tune" we really resent the fact that this inner peace, this serenity can be so easily disturbed! And not only can it be disturbed, it can be plum taken away from me. Know this my children, every thing that happens around you is the tools with which you must learn to stay awake and attuned. Every source of every energy is designed so that you get to know who and what you are made of, nothing more. Now go and be awake! don't let the stuff of this world take you away from the learning which is the only real thing you are doing with your life. Aggravation is another word for getting awakened my child!


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