We must see that by all laws of subatomic nature, we choose the realities in which we live. I am not saying anything new here, Christ said to his disciples, "you too can do these miracles and much more". That is once you choose to believe in the power of the spirit within you. ok You don't wanna make it religious; Make it scientific, because the forces which move the oceans and glaciers are the same ones that beat our hearts and grow the fruits on the trees. That force is as accessible to you and me as it was to Christ or to any great human whom we admire for having done "miraculous" things. When we believe we too can move those mountains. Perhaps the greatest obstacles are the unseen, unaccounted for mental activities we have? Or is it that most of us are waiting for that "EUREKA" moment of God realization? Well children, like anything else for majority of us it is done by putting one foot in front of the other and showing up every day with the belief that "all that I desire and hope for is on its way" then taking the needed steps to stay clean, sober, kind, patient, MEDITATIVE, and graceful while the supplies come. The beauty of it is that if you do what I am suggesting here, life WILL GET BETTER! NO DOUBT, NO MAYBE, LIFE WILL BE BETTER THIS WAY FOR ALL.


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