I PERCEIVE, YOU IMAGINE and off we go about our merry ways. Everyone's reality is fixed in a state of being a part of something bigger. I am part of this neighborhood which is famous for its crack houses and Meth labs, you live in the rich suburbs of Hollywood, and Yusif lives in Palestine while my teenage daughter cannot wait to see what Britney Houston will do next! If the Sun which so Illumines the world were to draw any closer it would consume the world before the world had a chance to see it. Looking for a common denominator that applies to all. Are we not all of one essence? Even in our small part of the universe, we can imagine no other way of being than this? Can we not all be the HUMAN FAMILY on planet Earth? Of course not, because we are too busy with our little realities and cannot seem to fathom being affected by our next door neighbors lives(this neighbor can be literal or take the distance as far as you wish). Yet we are! Every time a Palestinian suffers, every single Haitian who dies of HIV, every hungry mouths in the mountains of Pakistan and the plight of every homeless man,woman and child is at my door step whether I see it or not!

Mr. Bush bring down this wall of hatred and war! But then he is just one man, one country, who is responsible for the rest of our common human sufferings? Are we indeed in need of a savior? Has that saving grace come and gone, left instructions, and did what could be done without our complete participation and now it is up to us again? Or has it always been up to us to finish the job of unifying our family?

Can we see a KKK member embracing a black man with tears? Can the churches of every country come together, forget their differences, and teach a unifying message of love? Can we stop long enough every day to ponder our humanity and at least give it a morsel of our inherent Genie dust?


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