When it comes to intimate relationships and having our own sense of "self" as well; It seems that as a society we are still looking for that "magic love potion". Just the very act of merging with another has in its design the necessity for letting go of some things we did or had as single people. It is not about becoming dominated or being the dominating one because neither will produce the desired results of fulfillment. I must be ready and prepared to accept changes if I am really serious about the union. Maybe I spent "my money" a certain way when I was single and had no family, now that I am contemplating one, it behooves me to see that my spending habits change to reflect the new sets of parameters. Either I see this and work to make an easy transition or suffer emotional pain and the chance of losing the love I was looking for. There are no winners and losers in the game of love, just unfulfilled dreams! If there is true love and affection between two people, finances or religions or class differences, or outer beauty, or even cultural differences have no power to stop the union. But when it is merely our idea of what love is, then when it turns out not to be that, the size of a room becomes a problem!


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