
Showing posts from March, 2006


If I were to tell you say..."I really need this or that thing " and the thought in the back of my mind is "I just like to have it even though I don't really need it"; What do you suppose your mind will pick up? My spoken words or my unspoken thoughts? Can I say "I want peace and harmony" as I egotistically hold on to my points of view and disregard yours and still have peace come about? Alpha brain waves are produced when the mind is at peace and serene(results of meditative times or happy times). The more the brain stays in the Alpha state the more Seratonin and Opiates it produces through the glands via the pituitary and the hypothalamus which in turn create an environment of HEALTH AND WELL BEING. Any true sense of reality my children must take into consideration that as the molecules of the air are all connected and exist even though we don't see them, so are the molecules of our "INTENTIONS" OR 'THOUGHTS" which in turn are ...


Perhaps the most misunderstood daily activities of our lives are also the most essential for our maturing and spiritual growth. A simple act of blaming so and so or such and such as the source of my unhappy or confused/scared state is like (I'm quoting a good friend here) "complaining to the shoe manufacturer about my shoe laces being too tight!" It is no more their hands that tightened the shoe lace than it is your lover's fault for your fears of intimacy or trust! Talking helps but in reality my love your hands must reach down and redo that tight shoe lace on your feet for you to feel relief. Until such time as you are ready to stop blaming others for your fears or unhappiness, my dearest children; the course of your life will seem more circular than straight. STOP BLAMING OR COMPLAINING AND LIVE YOUR LIFE IN GRATITUDE AND GRACEFUL ACCEPTANCE!


Have you heard about " DARK MATTER " and " DARK ENERGY "? Put all matter in the universe" that which has a specific radiating energy signature" that we know of, from say 15 billion years (give or take a few minutes) HAHAHAH....HAHAH ! You'll have about only 1/4 of the entire matter IN THE UNIVERSE. What?! Oh yes! The rest is what for lack of better words scientist are calling Dark matter. This "matter" which seems to have no mass or visible presence is nonetheless radiating and making its presence known in waves of energy signatures. Because we don't know what it is, we have not talk much about it outside of the scientific communities. This dark matter is everywhere, permeates every thing and seems to be the glue that is holding everything else together! If we go with Dr. Max Planck (astrophysicist) who says: "There is no "matter" as such, All matter exist only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to v...


Spontaneous resumption a function of the Wood frog coming alive! frozen in solid ice the entire winter not alive, not dead! No heart beat, yet not dead and the first thing this frog does when in thaws every Spring is seek a mate! To procreate so the story is carried through yet another generation ALLAHO AKBAR!! GOD IS INDEED A GREAT DESIGNER MASTER ARCHITECT OF NANO CELLS! and clusters that make life go on another day another year another generation one nano second at a time! Primo prime rhyming life!


We must see that by all laws of subatomic nature, we choose the realities in which we live. I am not saying anything new here, Christ said to his disciples, "you too can do these miracles and much more". That is once you choose to believe in the power of the spirit within you. ok You don't wanna make it religious; Make it scientific, because the forces which move the oceans and glaciers are the same ones that beat our hearts and grow the fruits on the trees. That force is as accessible to you and me as it was to Christ or to any great human whom we admire for having done "miraculous" things. When we believe we too can move those mountains. Perhaps the greatest obstacles are the unseen, unaccounted for mental activities we have? Or is it that most of us are waiting for that "EUREKA" moment of God realization? Well children, like anything else for majority of us it is done by putting one foot in front of the other and showing up every day with the beli...


So I hear you're about to give up! I hear you think there is no turning back now that you are deep into the "STUFF". My child, Only if you think of time as relevant and solid can you make such a statement. Think again my love, every day is a new day and a new time. The old can only be here in the NOW if you bring it back and keep it alive by giving it your life . Nor is for that matter, tomorrow of any significant concern for your spirit, for tomorrow too will be yesterday the day after. What then is real enough to work with and "own" is this moment, right here, right now, this new day like new canvas at your disposal for creating what pleases you. If you find yourself tomorrow again with the thoughts of yesterday, that's OK too! Because that towards which you travel most constantly in your heart and mind, is also traveling towards you at a speed double that of your own journey. If you have a knowing about the path which can lead to your freedom my love, th...


When it comes to intimate relationships and having our own sense of "self" as well; It seems that as a society we are still looking for that "magic love potion". Just the very act of merging with another has in its design the necessity for letting go of some things we did or had as single people. It is not about becoming dominated or being the dominating one because neither will produce the desired results of fulfillment. I must be ready and prepared to accept changes if I am really serious about the union. Maybe I spent "my money" a certain way when I was single and had no family, now that I am contemplating one, it behooves me to see that my spending habits change to reflect the new sets of parameters. Either I see this and work to make an easy transition or suffer emotional pain and the chance of losing the love I was looking for. There are no winners and losers in the game of love, just unfulfilled dreams! If there is true love and affection between t...


For whatever reason we spend time in the "out zone" you know where I'm talking about. That place where we vegetate, get stoned or drunk or whatever happens to be our particular zoning out fix. Regardless of the underlying drama of seeming ups and downs, we really are always at the moment of acting out a thought or reacting to an invitation or stimuli, either way we are now partaking in the act of getting stoned. Remorse, shame, guilt and all the rest of the "drama" is just more stuff with no good results. If a part of me "knows" that this action I am engaged in at this moment is not conducive to my well being, and yet I am engaged in it just the same! Then let the wisdom of that knowing be enough for the hope of getting free from these kinds of moments! WE CANNOT RESOLVE A PROBLEM FROM THE SAME MIND-SET THAT CREATED IT. Shaming the self into wishing to quit, putting the user self down, having guilt attached to every moment of our "zoned out" ...


We are constantly faced with what is or is not working in our lives, right? Some time we can figure a way out of or away from a trouble spot, and at other times we might find ourselves in the thick of a situation filled with unhappy endings and unpleasant processes. I tell you children that if you have been awakened to a state of consciousness that is en-lightened with the light of God things can only get better. If at the moment of a dark state of mind you can see through the ILLUSION of a negative thought which wishes to take you to a dark space, shed that LIVING LIGHT OF GOD within you on that negative state, you will see that any negative state or thought can only continue its life within you if you give it your life! But when you shine GOD'S LIGHT on it, it is seen for its true nature which is MU! If the thought of any condition can take you with it in your mind, even after an event has passed(long passed), tell me my good child, who is responsible now for the negative feeling...


I PERCEIVE, YOU IMAGINE and off we go about our merry ways. Everyone's reality is fixed in a state of being a part of something bigger. I am part of this neighborhood which is famous for its crack houses and Meth labs, you live in the rich suburbs of Hollywood, and Yusif lives in Palestine while my teenage daughter cannot wait to see what Britney Houston will do next! If the Sun which so Illumines the world were to draw any closer it would consume the world before the world had a chance to see it. Looking for a common denominator that applies to all. Are we not all of one essence? Even in our small part of the universe, we can imagine no other way of being than this? Can we not all be the HUMAN FAMILY on planet Earth? Of course not, because we are too busy with our little realities and cannot seem to fathom being affected by our next door neighbors lives(this neighbor can be literal or take the distance as far as you wish). Yet we are! Every time a Palestinian suffers, every single...