
Showing posts from October, 2005
I just had another dream of being awake and aware! Seems as though if we do not interpret our dreams we have only lived half lives. Our entire life indeed is a dream that must be interpreted daily and deeply. My beloved do not accept the interpretations of others as exact, though you seek help, always be your own interpreter of your dreams. Pay attention to your life's events and above all my love don't fret the small stuff and be willing to step out of an argument with no attachments to the outcome. You really win only when you do not care to.
Winners will become losers and losers will win in turn, darkness will always end in light and no sorrow shall be greater than the bearer's inner spirit. Times are changing and have been forever more no need to reason all matters in time, just hold on! I wish for you this day my children a day of flowing ease every time you think of me, it is yours for free!
INFINITY PLUS ONE!I mages of me floating one above the other. The infinite number of lives which live within and around the corpse we call the body. Worlds not mere other bodies or personalities. How does one conscious man not see the evident?
The Bee humming bird a native of Cuba is a bird about the size of dragon fly. It weighs only as much as half a penny yet its heart beats at 1000(one thousand) times per minute(Imagine a pump made to do this over a life time with no maintanance!) while its wings flap at about 200 times per second. I am listing this just to invite you my loved ones to ponder the DESIGNER of such a wonder. Particles do not create other particles. Let me bow down in tears of total surrender and acceptance of the creative wisdom that brought ME here and become a chanel of this amazing power!
So there are days when you just have to keep busy with noises and images and tasks just to keep sane! So what? It is not the actions but your intentions that will bring tomorrow in its full glory or in shattered pieces of a dream you once had. We are works in progress my child and as such we will continue to falter and fall throughout the journey my love. Remember too that every time you fall and get back up, a piece of your ego is left behind and you are wiser! A constant FAITH in the design and daily contact with THE SOURCE is all you really need. So if you waver from FAITH or your daily contact, then once you are aware again, pick up where you left off and never look back, or pick a new point in space-time, you are in charge!
What of shame and guilt? Minimize the importance of the thought; replied the old sage. ".And use such occasion when shame and guilt enter your mind as a portal to your inner wisdom. Use this conflicting energy to recognize how the Ego works through shame, guilt, and pride. But above all be consistent with prayers" It is our quiet meditative times which build the neuro net works for change.
I remember the times when I would rather continue getting high than stop being sickly and fatigued. I remember the times when I had this need to be right and to impose my point of view on people close to me. I remember the times when my churning mind would take off on its own and take the rest of my being with it. I remember also my time on the skid row, living on cheap wine and stealing groceries from old ladies. I remember how hopeless I felt trying to quit the lifestyle and how helpless I seemed against the tides of destiny. I remember also the hope I always kept in the back of my mind through the thick and thin of it. That I am a good human, I have no malice towards any other human and that someday I would be free from all the confusion of living day to day. It is a promise of every sage and prophet, that as long as you come knocking, and believing in the order which is in the universe, doors shall open to you with gooness and grace!
look how easy it is to fall again my love! Beware of the lazy self, the undisciplined easily distracted self, the EGO. If you know for a fact that once you stop breathing you are dead, then know it just as certainly love, once you stop connecting to your SOURCE regularly, you are dead in a more real sense than just not having a corpse to occupy! Hence the advice of all the teachers for us, "DIE BEFORE YOU DIE" and " DIE UNTO YOUR SELF AND BE BORN AGAIN TO A NEW YOU". Be consistent my child, show up every day and sit with the beloved!
Know this for certain my love, If you are not present in this moment and mindful of the energies around you; Then this moment is lost to you forever. Think now about the meaning of this simple statement my child, when you sit down to eat are you present or is you attention and your thoughts elsewhere? Do you recognize the thoughts as they come in one by one as yours? I want to encourage you love to keep a vigilant eye specially on thoughts of this and that with a negative tone to them. Because if you say I cannot seem to stop them then perhaps the most important act of your life aught to be to learn how. To be aware is not the domain of any particular culture or religion my child, seek then the help you need in whatever form it arrives at your doorsteps, and recognize your true self looking for you. Today like every other day, you can start anew!
I have been taking daily walks with my grand children while visiting my daughter and her family in this small town in Texas. Our walks takes us by the town's cemetery which is as old as the town itself. There are graves from the 1800's all the way to the present, family grave sites and graves with pictures of the deceased on them. My youngest grand son, Ethan is 4 years old and oh ever so curious. I actually enjoy having this young mind asking me straight forward questions like "why did they die babajune?" and learning as we do our run and exercise. The irony is that the dead don't seem to care how fast we run or whether we sit on the side of their grave to catch our breath and have a little green drink from granpa's healthy stuff. He has learned to distinguish between couples graves and single people who lay there by themselves. But the beauty is this young kid has no problem accepting that everything and everyone will die sooner or later. He looks at the gra...
Where the path of love leads I shall follow No questions asked No concerns of the morrow Here and Now is all I have If I should learn to flow All will be well Joy of the Tao trusting heart there is no sorrow One breath after another Here is God present Here is the living SOURCE.
We seem to be programmed to see beauty only in the aesthetic values of a scene. I had dinner with a few friends and family last night and the group was as diverse as could be. The restaurant however, was a Muslim Pakistani place with a big screen TV showing the evening prayer time in Mecca via live satellite feed of all things! We were invited there by a mutual friend couple who had no clue themselves that this is the holy fasting month of Ramadan, on top of that they were late showing up at the gathering. Leaving the guests some of whom knew each other and some totally new to have to deal with the apparent question on everyone's mind "what the heck are we doing here listening to this strange Muslim chants over loud speakers of this restaurant with the big screen TV showing images of Muslim prayers here in the heart of Texas?" I could sense the unease, and knew that there was not a thing I could do except be compassionately creating energies of peace and serenity. Where ...
It seems hard at times to accept and believe that we have that much say so over what goes on in our lives. That we can even expect to be empowered through a simple practice of showing up daily for life and believing in the design and the grand order. That all I have to do now is show up, sit down to meditation and quiet the mind through the flow of THE TAO WhIcH Is EVeRyWHeRe! tHen go on about my day doing whatever it is I do for the world. Chop the wood and fetch the water to quote a good dying friend. Whatever it is I do, I do it well without complaining and continue the focus not on why or how, but HERE AND NOW! Dice the onions, serve up the ice cream cones, work on the road puddles and feed the children with compassion.
There is a verse in the Koran(Muslims holy book) that translates as "Only through prayer and remembrance of God shall your hearts be calm and certain" I have spent a good part of my life researching through the writings and wisdom of all the religions (philosophies) of the world and guess what my love! I have come full circle to that simple phrase again. Now of course I don't care if I use English or Arabic or even Spanish to perform the meditative prayers, the difference is now I do sit down and do it. I don't ask to be saved, I ask to be an instrument of Grace. And on occasions when the mind and body don't seem to want to sit down to prayer, I don't have this fear of having sinned or the guilt of not being a good son, I have no fear of that ugly hell fire and angry God, instead I really feel like I did not have a good breakfast or a gentle ache takes over that says "I am thirsty take me home". Silence of the meditative prayer times is medicine my c...
It is our thoughts of separation that fools us into having a bad day my love. If you believe and constantly remind your brain that there is only GOD, why hurt then? Where there is only THE SOURCE flowing, what is your judgment doing coming in? If you see only THE TAO, why then do you think of this and that and the other and let them carry you with them? Only the original source of energy is actively alive, and your purpose is to keep connected to its flow and have faith in the grand order. Find hope in the face of all questions, BELIEVE even as you hurt. My child the only dance is the dance of living on purpose even as we do the mondane tasks of daily living. And the purpose may be anything once you are at peace about God in your life.
GOD GRANT ME THE SERENITY TO ACCEPT THE THINGS I CANNOT CHANGE, COURAGE TO CHANGE THE THINGS I CAN AND THE WISDOM TO KNOW THE DIFFERENCE. That wisdom to know the difference is what will help most all of us in realizing when too much is too much and when enough is enough. Can I conrol everything in my life? Or should I be more accepting of other's lives and busy my self with what I can change within my own self? The day we GET this is the start of a beautiful day of rest for our soul and our mind.