Expecting people, places, and things to behave a certain way in order for me to have peace is nothing more than the old way of thiking that I can wish or control these element to do as it pleases me. Accept more and expect less my love, learn to flow with your eyes cast on the heart of God who is really responsible for all of it. There! you have just been relieved of your duty child, step down.
Showing posts from September, 2005
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"The present is the golden gate.Here-now is the golden gate. And you can be in the present only if you are not ambitious - No accomplishment, no desire to achieve power, money, prestige, even enlightenment, because all ambition leads you into the future." Osho Zen master. This is a tough one to swallow isn't it? I go to school with ambitions of tomorrow, I plant seeds with the ambitions of the harvest. What is he saying then? The lesson is a kwan, learn to be here now even as you plant the seeds for tomorrow because you can only BE ALIVE here and NOW! dEtAcH from the AnTiCiPaTiOn of TomOrrOw. The gate is before you now, where are you?
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My dream got away from me the other night, it went away for what seemed like a long time. I don't know where it went and how long it was gone, but when it returned it had the scent of you all over it. The other side of this dream just lead to being awaken again to my longing heart seeking your embrace!
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"A free man belongs to himself and nobody else.A free man is simply an energy with no name, no form, no race, no nation."Osho Zen master. Do we hear National Anthems or the sound of the creative silence of God? Is it an us and them; mine and yours thing? Or is it all one self, one mind, one presence? Who is FREE? He who is free of all subjective labels and desires.
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"Happiness is permanent.It is always there.What comes and goes is unhappiness.If you identify with what comes and goes, you will be unhappy.If you identify with what is permanent and always there, you are happiness itself." Poonjaji wisdom. Come let go now of all worldly concerns, all at once! If I do not desire, I am never disappointed, unhappy. What of going forward? said one student. You my child, have no choice in that matter! Rivers will not run back.
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I am judged on many occasions by friends and loved ones for having a humble home in a poor neighborhood with used furniture and for not having the "drive" to seek more monetary goods and means of this world even though I am educated enough and capable of doing so. I have even been told by some that they feel ashamed for me! even though they admire my knowledge and wisdom in areas of medicine and metaphysics. I asked one "how can you honor me as the wise shaman, and not respect my choice of dwelling?" Is my house who I am? Am I the clothes I were or the money I have in the bank? Is my honor directly connected to how well I do business in search of monetary gains?" Or whether I have published books and gained notoriety? Indeed this note is a reconfirmation of my stance which is as solid as my spirit in love. The fleeting nature of worldly goods and " stuff " has proven beyond any doubt the necessity of a life free from the desire to gather much of them...
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Maybe you do not know about falling, maybe you have not been humbled yet, but know this O' child of the universe, that before the Sun sets for the last time in the sky of thine days, ye shall have tasted humility's potion in the destiny's cup! Tis not for me but to warn, and then if I judge thee not in emotions but only name thee by thy own perditions, I know not why I aught not do so. For I love thee my child to the depth of mine old bones and ye know this not. Let this matter hang near by thine ears my love and let your heart rest assured that with every hardship there shall come ease, indeed with every hardship there shall be ease!
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When we have total faith in the design by which life's energies are in motion and in our place within the grand view of this movement, we have arrived at the gates of Nirvana. This knowing comes as a floating gift wrapped in many clothes ragged and silky, ordinary and exotic and my child unless you accept all as gifts of divine nature you will not arrive soon enough to cherish the times.
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There is not enough strength in words to animate the mystery of my love's eloquenty delicate presence. How can I describe or relay the feel of a kiss to a third party? A kiss of the sensual nature is one thing, but the kiss of my beloved is the very breath I breathe, constant and always present. No matter where this body hovers in space time; The breath is constant, unfailing until my time is up.
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He who does not know and is aware of his ignorance will somehow deliver the goods home. He who does not know and is UNAWARE of his lacking shall remain in quick sands of ignorance for ever more. He who knows and is aware of this knowing shall have his big head to deal with for a long time to come. Be in a state of awe and grace my love and delete the need for understanding along with the need to be right! Just BE! Remember child, remember your essence of life.
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This is a rough quote from Max Plank Nobel prize winner in atomic physics about the origin of life: "As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, the study of the atom I can tell you as a result of my studies this much. There is no matter as such, all matter originates and exits only by the virtue of a force which brings the particles of an atom to vibration and holds the most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. THIS MIND IS THE MATRIX OF ALL MATTER!" Read it again love, you are here because of an intention of the creator of atoms.
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Some of you will see only obsticles and difficulties and some will recognize every event and everything in your lives as welcoming tools on the road to self realization. Consistancy is what you need my child to see that indeed all events of your life must be welcomed into your heart as part of who you will become through the journey. Trust the MASTER ENGINEER and have a happy ride back home my love!
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We all have to deal with situations, people, things, and places we are not happy with. The kind of stuff that gets under our skin and does not seem to want to leave until we either do or say something which usually ends up being a stupid action adding to the discomfort. It is not easy being human you see, it is not easy having this spirit within who is just not happy being here in this material world of duality which in and of itself guarantees some level of stress. The painful and the comfortable, the dark and the light, abundance and complete lack of it. All part of LIFE which, as humans we have to deal with because this is the school of learning for the spirits which dwell within the mold of human body. Peace then comes from being more in the spirit and less concerned with the dual nature of the stuff of this world in which the body resides. FLOW WITH NO JUDGMENT AND NO ATTACHMENTS, SEE ONLY THE SPIRIT, ONLY GOD! You are a RIVER NOW my child bound for the great ocean, be a clean fl...
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Universal Laws function in only one field of intentionality perceived as many. HUMAN does not live in his head alone! Be free of WORRIES my love and know where thoughts come from. Why stay imprisoned when the doors are so wide open? By separating your self from others you will create pain and anxieties. SEE ONLY GOD AND BE FREE! A thought can only carry you my child if you attach your mind to it. Learning a new thing will end an old one soon.
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"If it is not truthful and not helpful, don't say it. If it is truthful and not helpful, don't say it. If it is not truthful and helpful, don't say it. If it is truthful and helpful, wait for the right time." from Prophet Buddha. Is this confirmation or what? Yesterday I chose patience, today I reap the rewards.Talk once and listen twice children!
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I have been having this battle inside since the hurricane Katrina about whether or not say anything. It is like having to tell the emperor that he has no clothes on. Knowledge bears a great deal of responsibility, heavy and burdensome for which, many a wise men have chosen SILENCE instead of being active and loud voiced about. Not to Tempt the quantum fate box of equal force delivers equal resistance! Just because I have the key does that mean I should enter at will? Who's will? Just to be part of the discussion, dialogue, the noise? Does not prudence trump valor? And wisdom in SILENCE too cannot be ignored which is just as effective in meditative modes of being here. So I shall choose the path of the great ones before me and not utter all that passes in the field loudly. And these sent words travel far enough to say why the waters record all and hold the LAW!
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What do you suppose it feels like being free from all worries and anxieties? Yes that! There you go, it feels good, it feels like God feels if we could imagine that. I wish for you this day my beloved a true freedom from all that worries you and know that in a real sense you feel what I feel, we feel what God feels and the waters sweet and salty,keep a record of all. You keep moving child, all is well now!
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Of all the ways to accomplish a task we tend to want the easy ways and usually spend more time pondering ways to make that easy way come about than on the actual task itself. Granted some of our "modern conveniences" were invented based on this way of thinking. However, we must be smart enough to know that not every easy,quick way will result in the best outcome. This is specially true when approaching health the holistic way, and also in matters of personal growth. In these matters the adage"Nothing worth while was ever easy" applies. Fasting for example is not so easy, yet it is the most effective way to rid the body of mucus and toxins which in turn will result in better health. Be careful my child not to be always looking for the quick and easy way out of what must be done!
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As you grow in the path of higher energies, one of the obstacles will remain to be a constant. Whether you walk the walk of the ideals you believe in and whether the energies of your life's many inputs hinder or advance your journey. The food we eat, drinks we drink, the tobacco we smoke, the words we utter, the pictures we hang on our walls, the sounds of music in our homes, the shows we watch, and the thoughts we harbor, all have a very direct effect on the growth of the higher energy we aspire for our lives. Be aware my children of the energies of the "STUFF" of your life and know whether they enhance your journey to higher states of being or hinder that journey. No need to attach guilt for the old habits you deem as hindering, just BE AWARE and BE WILLING to change.