There is a certain amount of internal pain one must get used to and accept just as a consequence of being here amongst the Oxygen consuming matter in a human form. A semi sweet sadness for not having all the answers when we need it, not having enough patience to wait until the fruit is ripe, not being couragous enough to change the things we know need changing in our own personal life or the serenity to accept circumstances we cannot change (like the war in Iraq, or the death of my brother in law last week). Through it all, the only sanity preserving force is the same force which created all matter and believing in the awesomly inteligent mind behind it. If I did not feel this sadness, I would doubt my own existance altogether.
I am really trying to keep my usual positive and hopeful attitude towards our humanity and mankind in general, but recent events have brought the old anger back in me which is really frustration and anxiety about Politicians and the money mongers of the world about which I can take no real action of any significance. I see hunger and destitude in the masses of this U.S. of A, the richest country on earth, I see the very weak and the elderly, the homeless and the hard working class suffer while the political will of some nuts is runnning amock! God help me to accept what I can change and that over which I have no control, and please God give me the wisdom to know the difference. It is nothing new, just different land, different time in the history of the ignorant man and the greed of the fools!