Soon I will have to say goodbye to this land. Not for good, but I would only be able to come back for short visits, to see my kids and grandkids. The process of moving from this comfortable environment to an unknown seems like a daunting task, huge, monumental. Yet it is only because I cannot seem to make up my mind as to how much "stuff" I should take with me. Should I sell the motor home? Should I sell all the computer stuff, stuff, stuff, stuff........ I need to find a way to get organized enough to know what I do have, and this God blessed weather is not helping. Cold and damp and rainy! But I have not really had the heart to even start inside! Part of me seems to say just do what you've doing, go for longer visits back to the mother land but leave the stuff here alone, this is home! But home to my deepest self is wherever I hang my hat, it may be more convenient here but it is by no means any more of a home than it would be anywhere else in the world, even in the jungles of the Amazon. God grant me the serenity


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