The masters and teachers of old had a way of dispensing information(teachings) based on the listener's ability to understand. Now we have the age of all information available at the click of a button or turn of Chanel on some few hundred media dispensers. So in this environment, when the doctor so and so declares the new understanding of Quantum field or "the secret" to all life kinda stuff, confusion is easily apparent. (Thank you Dr. Dyer for your humble work!)

One good example I have meant to mention is consideration for the lack of discernment in the average uneducated "wanna be's" about such things as the absolute zero point field or the absolute zero energy. Furthermore the poor sucker is left to believe that we created and can continue creating stuff without the mention of such absolute realities as the presence of the Sun! Did one of us or our ancestors create the Sun which sustains life on our planet( itself is a phenomenon we had no hand or head in the creation of)?

Yes I can create "my reality", but I must first know of the "absoluteness of such factors as the forces governing my universe" in addition to knowing how to use my little head that extends as far as infinity(which by the way is not so far). I need to have a greater appreciation first and foremost for the "AUTHOR OF THE CODE" from which all other seeming realities must and do take their beingness! IF THE MASTER DESIGNER SHOULD LOOK AWAY BUT FOR AN INSTANT, ALL CREATION SHALL CEASE TO EXIT!

So what words can we use to describe or address that "MASTER DESIGNER" , that "ORIGINAL CAUSE" of all life? What is my relationship to that source besides using it to create my reality? Does it even matter what "I" do or not do when it comes to that SOURCE'S intent for the creation we are so intertwined with? What is this notion of a Ramtha(J.Z. knight) or any other new age school of thought pushing the idea that "we are all gods"? Get over your self love, if you had a clue you would not utter such foolishness!

What the heck does that mean except that I have a level of control over my daily stuff? Then why use the word god(with all its connotations in the human experiences)? This loosely spread data is like giving my 5 year old child materials on
detailed sexual intercourse knowing he does not have the discernment nor the faculty to absorb or use the information. Using this word god or God like some loose change, in this man's humble opinion has created more confusion than these teachers(GOD bless them all) realize!

Forget me not says GOD the "CREATOR" and think not that I am knowable! I am all that there is yet you cannot know this. I am all that exists yet I am not in existence! I am the Alpha and the Omega yet not so finite as these terms suggest! Mere words or even many life times of experiences shall not behold the GOD that I AM!

My beautiful children, why have I said these words you ask? Just to clear the air about who really is in charge! Do beware of false teachings which tend to wrap GOD into this small seven layer knowable universe! NAMASTE'



Unknown said…
If you are correct: "ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY" then there is none but God; there is not God and somebody else; there is only God. If that is true, then there can't be God and me as a separate being; therefore I am not not-God. Then who am I? If you declare that I am not God, you declare that God has an other that is not Him. This is blasphemy.

Thank you for your comment!

As long as we believe that we can "Blaspheme" or "sin" against GOD, then we are still bound by the religiosities which have only harmed humanity. To say anything certain about GOD is like saying something about the marital status of the number 5! The very notion is non-addressable.

My point in the blog was more to the attention of some new age schools who just as bad as the old ones, now say that we are all "gods"! just because I can manipulate matter and energy that does not a god make!

When Christ said "I and the Father are one" he'd been beyond the seventh layer but I cannot tell anyone where or what that is any more than I can fill the ocean's contents into a cofee mug!

When we reach a point of SEEING NONE BUT GOD, THEN ROCKY MY GOOD MAN, OUR CONVERSATIONS WILL BE SWEETER IN TOTAL NON-BEINGNESS.i am only a vessel of God's intentetions, words seem to come but the explanations are not for all to see.

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