Salaam(peace) children;

Some say God is here integrated, inseparable, wrapped in every molecule of life. Yet others put God in a separate place up high somewhere beyond the scope of any life form here to grasp. Our relationship then with this God whom almost all agree on being the "INTELEGENT CAUSE" depends on our perception(and why the word GOD? let's say Field instead)! I say children, what do you care? What is it to you whether God is up high, down below, merciful or revengeful? You still have to walk the walk of this life force which is within you and forces the issue of LIVING LIFE EVEN UNTO DEATH! Don't believe me? Just try to stop breathing!!

Look my beloved, let God be, let religion be, let it all be, you just show up daily trusting that the plan for such AWESOMELY great event of which you are a part of can and seems to have its own flow and force of movement in a definite direction. TO BE MY LOVE, AUGHT NOT TO BE A CHORE. JUST BE HERE AND ALLOW THIS FORCE TO CARRY YOU. Chop your wood and fetch your water, tend the garden my love and above all let it all be. Let your lover's addiction be, let your own insecure self be, let the wars and the achievements of all ages be, no judgement is needed JUST TO BE! Let the force of that FIELD carry you!

Maybe we don't see that there is no need for always getting, achieving, surpassing, doing better or doing more. Maybe we need to learn to stop all the hoopla about getting somewhere and rest a while in what is! There is a great need for our humanity to let go of all the old paradigms now! That includes the notion of any GOD who is counting on humans to behave based on fear or rewards! This notion of God after all is only 3-5 thousand years old!

It is indeed when we judge a thing as having good or evil(or not enough) qualities; As separate parts in separated forms that we are disconnected from JUST SIMPLY BEING IN THE FLOW! All our sufferings are the very product of our perceptive judgements/attachments. Have discernment my love, but don't hang on to judgments and don't attach to outcomes. ALL IS WITH OR WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT, IT JUST IS! SUCHNESS!



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