Keep it simple stupied and wait on the the Lord. Though we have all the scientific eauations to explain all of life, we have not figured how to give the formula the gift of life.
Showing posts from October, 2003
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Sharing a life or extended amount of time, sharing a mutual something or another, all require that both sides agree upon parameters which are subject to progressive enhancement through change of individuals or circumstances. In fact accepting that change is indeed the only constant in any given situation, the only other required item is STICK TO IT-NESS. A commitment to seek harmony both within oneself and for the situation at hand. For better or worse, for richer or poorer, through sickness and health. Because Not one of us can ever claim that illusive perfection in thoughts, deeds, or words which eminate from us. Expectations are the worst enemy of any workable sharing situation, because once not met, expectations turn into, Resentment, Anger, Anxiety, and misery. Grass is never greener on the other side, and leaving one tough situation usualy means having to start all over with another one from scratch! It is like asking for a new head from God, when indeed the head we have is quite...
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Eintstien (God rest his soul) died while working on what he called "Unified Theory" a way to explain all the workings of our universe. His dream may be closer to becoming a reality with a new zeal and attention to the notion of "String Theory". For the past 100 or so years, actually since Newton discovered Gravity, scientists have had to deal with how to marry the world of the very big (macro) and the very small (micro). To find that holy grail of unification of all that there is and how and why things are the way they are. The amazing thing is this new String Theory (which is not so new) uses extremely small units of energy (strings,smaller than subatomic particles!) to bind all of the universe from small to large into one big bowl of soup! Gee, it seems I have been right on the money the whole time! by saying that we are indeed connected with energies we create through our thoughts,actions, and deeds. Make some good ripples my child in this big bowl of soup.
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Where did we go astray? We must have you know! In the 21st centry with all our inventions and sophysticated technologies, having mapped most of Human genom and even Mars, we have yet to learn the basics of what it is to be a "good human"!! Wars are still about the same ideals and reasons they accured thousands of years ago, the "Haves" and the "Have nots" are still about the same in social standings and class or gender or race discriminations are considered norml for the most part whether overtly or not. So I ask again, where did we go astray? Did we ever really have it right? What the heck good is a piece of Mars or the Moon if I cannot get along with my neighbours next door or on the next land mass? What does it mean to be a "whole, mature, perfect" human? Does any body really care? Well I do! and so help me God, I will manifest just such a human in my life time and present the same to whomever it may appeal to see and learn.
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Until I stoped doing the deed I was asking others not to do, no one heard me. Until I walk the walk daily, no one will follow. Unless I am ready to fall and break, I should not sign up for battle. A work in progress I am, not a finished work. Each time I fall a piece of me is left on the ground as I dust myself off and get up to walk another mile in HIS WAY!
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That which occupies your time and attention in essence becomes your god. The stuff I have gathered around myself as needed matrials, have now consumed my life and much of what little time I did have. If my T.V. is the centerpiece in my "Living room" what does that say about my proiorities? God; Help this old humble servant become free of all the bonds of this life, favour him with a smile and set him FREE from the attachments. Let yourself BE my alpha and omega of every day if I so deserve your touch of love.
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What is it about silence that makes us avoid it so much? "I just keep it on for the noise" she told me as she casually turned the T.V. set down. Just for the noise! we have to have noise, because otherwise the only sounds audible would be the inner voice of our own confused self within masked usually by the noise and the many masks we were on our faces. Try this for a few days, hours? Set with the self within in silence and LISTEN to your heart beat!!
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To continue with yesterday(10-21), folks in the mental health business have almost got it right by accepting the three dimensions of human (parent,adult,child) instead of calling it multiple personality. But there is more to it than even that! We are in reality a Physical body, a Mental body, and a Spiritual body, The mind with its neurons and chemical activities produces emotions and behaviors. It has many facets just like a diamond in the making, It must recieve its nutrition from the physical body's mouth which in turn must have "healthy" living foods to operate optimally. The mind also needs other nurishments such as learning to function at its best. Our spiritual body then is where we feel the connection to the rest of the universe, to our origion to our maker and designer who left his own "essence" in there somewhere, so for its optimum work it too needs proper foods and contemplative meditations or prayer. Result? a "YOU" in harmony is a heal...
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Who is in charge of your life? Think about this a minute; We seem to think that we know ourselves so well and have no problem identifying who is in charge of our thoughts and the actions which eminate from them. Yet and again look at all the "mistakes" we make daily and try our darndest to find some one else or something else to blame for the mishap! and who is the one saying let's stuff our faces at one hour before bed time or midnight? knowing full well it will hurt more than just the weight of this body! who is in charge of your decision making and who's judgement do you finally follow? Is there more than one of you in there? are they in harmony and balance? Do they all want the best for you? and who is this "YOU" then? which one is YOU?
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....And they asked again "Tell us story teller, what of the treasures of the world?" and he went on to say "buy the goods of the next world with the treasures of this world, this you do by giving of the gold and goods you have here whilst they are yours, for once you leave this place your gold is somoone else's treasure and no longer yours to give". Now it was well past midnight and the thought of loosing all we called our own was even more ominus! give whilst you can and have to give, for once gone you only have regret,a useless comodity.
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If putting 99 or 95 at the end of a price was designed by a psycologist and small prints were deemed needed by lawyers, if deception is considered a normal part of our commerce (like advertizing colored sugar water as juice full of good vitamins) what does that tell us about the state of conciousness of the masses? Good God grant me patience because I see far too many wolves in sheep's clothing and am feeling helpless even in warning my own deer family of the dangers! Their eyes are closed and their ears are covered.
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If we could see the "Dark matter" which permiates in every place or non-place in our known universe, we would perhaps not be surprized why just as in a bowl of soup, anything added to one corner would indeed be in the farthest corner of the bowl as well. My pain is your pain, my joy is your joy, throught our world, we share all that is here just as if we were the molecules in that bowl of soup. Care not to spread the darkness of hate and disharmony in your world! Strive instead my child to be the messenger of patience and truthfullness, let that be your added touch to the soup of life.
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Say what you really mean, mean what you say, be prepared to back up your calims with data and your words with actions approprieate; In other words be a man/woman of your words and make certain your deeds and word match. In doing this seemingly simple task you have added to the underlying truth of all matters. Let Truth set you free, always.
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It turns out that the Homosapiens and the Neanderthals were not linked but lived at about the same time period!(just go to and enter Neanderthal in the search, far too many sources to include links here) But oh family of Adam! if all is from water, what the heck do you care whether you are evolving as an ape or a human? you are HERE/NOW care that this day does not pass whilst you argue over matters which will not bring wisdom and serenity! We are The family of Adam in the essence of our being, now it is up to us to make good on a promiss to our father, Ola amigos!
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In most earnest attempts we all seem to be looking for the same thing, a way to be finally content and fulfilled. Able to "live in peace and have happyness and comfort" All of which seem to have been achieved by others though we do not know of many personally who have it all! But by golly we know it is said that all is fair game and available to any one. The only thing we need now is to agree on just where or to whom we should apply for this wonderful package! Well if I were to tell you that the person and the place are both within you yourself, would you believe me? whether you do or not that is indeed where its at, not outside of you, within you!
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Humble me Lord through service to the more needy and deserving. Let there be a sign of your presense even to the blind in the heart and deaf in the ears. Let my face remain aglow with steadfast daily prayer and your light shining through evey pore. Because you gave me certainty and took away all doubts I know I will be amongst the happy faces on the day when all must come before you and tell their stories. Shokran rabbie. However my love, if you should take your gift away from me, I will open the doors to your secret garden and have the whole of mankind know just how forgiving you are causing even your noblest ones to think of sinning just to taste the sinful life. shokran!!
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Think well, do well, say well, and all is well. look for that ballance specially today! take heart....your case is next to be sloved in the order of things in the universe. Excess is the cause of most our pains.Desire is good, but please don't let it rule you. I see a nice day, go get it... it is right around the next bend.
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God; grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Today is like any other day in your sight my love, but as for this humble servant it is yet another trying day. Accepting the decision of my mate to leave for reasons even she cannot understand herself. It is all about being on her own and independant which she has never done. We are the best of friends and there is no harsh words exchanged, but she is leaving just the same, God bless her move and help her find whatever it is she is seeking in you.
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Inner peace is as much a mystry as it is a false expectation of oneself. Inner calm is more acceptable of a term when it comes to living in th 21st century. I say if you can remain calm long enough to see at least three sides to every storey and walk away when none makes any sense, then you will gain inner peace thru your calmness. Peace is not a constant in our world, nor is happiness or for that matter any factor which effects our daily lives, a little sour, a little sweet, A time of joy and the hour of sorrow, all in good balance. But you my child remain hopefull as your father and learn calmness of the mind through the spirit of God's presence.
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These lines read like my diary maybe because they are in essence the results of my daily thoughts and experiences. So if I say I have been stuck in this place of unforgiving, ungiving emotional trap; I am refering to my state of mind with my kids, my significant other, my family, the world, and so on. It happens to me it seems, about once every other month when I loose hope in all of humanity and become short tempered because nothing seems to make any sense. Yet at one level thanks to God my keeper, I know all is well that ends well, and that these days maybe hard but not hopeless.
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Now then, the opposite of the above messege (Oct.3)is just as true! without our spiritual needs met daily, we will have no way of remaining strong in face of life's daily challenges.
We are made up of three bodies, PHYSICAL, MENTAL(emotional), and SPIRITUAL. Condsider each of these an entity my child, deserving their own type of attention, nutrition, and healthfullness. Feed your body with living foods which will give it life vibrant. Feed your mental body with knowledge, learn new things, endevour to gather knowledge daily, and finally do feed the spiritual body its food, pray, meditate, sit quietly and let the wonder of the universe fill your heart. Now you are WHOLE MY CHILD, WHOLE FREE HUMAN!
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I said it before and I say again, there is no peace for the mind of man unless through daily contact with the creator! This spiritual connection in whatever form or manner, in whatever language, done in solitude and quiet with genuine intent to aknowledge the omnipotence of HIM, will bring calm to the mind, vibrancy to the body and peace in the heart.
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If I had a dime for every emotional argument I have been a part of, every time there were harsh words exchanged for lack of wisdom or compassion, I'd sure be a milioner! When will we ever learn, to argue a point, but not hurt the feelings or use abusive language? I guess wars are the big arguments which instead of feelings, people too get hurt. All for lack of compassion or wisdom to work things out.
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Every once in a while some one gives me a joint or two (that's Marijuana for those who may not know!) and having promissed my "black dog" my "Monkey on my back" that as long as it stays tame and under control, when the gift comes I will not deny it its pleasure; I do like the old times, smoke, eat, sleep and vege totally out of my usual responsible self. It is hard to admit that as teachers and healers we too have our battles we are facing daily, it is not like we are perfect you know! but progress is what I personaly advocate, Am I a better person than I was six months ago? if the answer is "yes" in all honesty (no deception), then I thank God again for guiding me along the path of total freedom in his own way. It has been a long journey, and I feel better for having taken it with all its ups and downs one day at a time. GROW AWARNESS NOT DESPAIR! COURAGE NOT FEAR!