
Showing posts from May, 2007


Sala'm(peace) children; How have you been holding up my beautiful ones? You are always wrapped in my bestest wishes and prayers. It is most uplifting to know that you too think of me now and then, that you send a well wish my way and remember me in PEACE! That in your hardship too, you'd think of what this old shaman would have to say about a situation or acceptance in grace. A good man recently left his mold. The event is still fresh in the family's minds and hearts. How does one accept the sudden death of a dear one?!!?? What role can any one family member play in the others' lives as all are shifting to adjust? Does one then think more of the soldiers and Innocent civilians being murdered daily world wide? Of how their families are doing emotionally and spiritually? How does one accept deaths that seem so senseless in every way??!!?? I tell you my wonderful ones, NO ONE HAS A GOOD ANSWER! Specially those who claim to understand and justify wars, not those who run ...


We seem to think that we are the only living beings/systems capable of making love on a higher level. After all, what the animals seem to be doing is procreating without any apparent deep connection involved. In some species in fact the female chooses solely based on her partners ability to show marks of superiority in one form or another, in yet others the male dies afterwards! Yesterday the river did speak to me of love, having offsprings, and procreation. "What love grander than when the Sun shines on me taking the molecules of my being-ness to the Ether as the wind moves them ever higher and more distant. I know I have given my seeds to the Ether, where they would be gathered in cloud form and when the time is right electrical forces give them life, sending them back to my bosom." "What love greater has the human? How is my relationship with the Ether any less significant, than that between two humans? I am a piece of the divine, alive as you humans, I breathe, I mo...


Sala'm(peace) children; For as long as I can remember I have been waiting for something big. Every time I think this is it! It is not. Every time I think I am fulfilled and resolved, I am not! The pain of not knowing to the brain is like a cut in the flesh on which salt is being placed for no apparent reason except to wake the wounded up from their sleep!! I celebrate the days of pain as I do the days of joy just the same. I show up, sit down quietly, and voila!! I am connected to the many thousand years old stories of the trunk of an old oak or the rock offered me by the ancient mountains to lean against. The form matters not, it counts for naught, what animates the form is all there is! You my beautiful ones on the same journey, may this day you too have the tender touch of the SOURCE caress your heart and mind for a time. Namaste' ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY ...