The masters and teachers of old had a way of dispensing information(teachings) based on the listener's ability to understand. Now we have the age of all information available at the click of a button or turn of Chanel on some few hundred media dispensers. So in this environment, when the doctor so and so declares the new understanding of Quantum field or " the secret " to all life kinda stuff, confusion is easily apparent. (Thank you Dr. Dyer for your humble work!) One good example I have meant to mention is consideration for the lack of discernment in the average uneducated "wanna be's" about such things as the absolute zero point field or the absolute zero energy. Furthermore the poor sucker is left to believe that we created and can continue creating stuff without the mention of such absolute realities as the presence of the Sun! Did one of us or our ancestors create the Sun which sustains life on our planet( itself is a phenomenon we had no hand or h...