Greetings children! I have been working through something which seemed appropriate to share no matter how personal or private in nature, because, where there is ONly SouRcE..............!!!??? This requires more than consideration for being honest and plain speaking, There is always the learning to remember!

There is this duality you see, by law of the "FIRMAMENT" Earth's " CLOSED ATMOSPHERE" but it goes deeper than that. Where most see "good" and "evil" the wise only see polarity as a necessary part of the whole. In fact it is not just in our "firmament" that this holds true, it is so in all of life's big expanse in all directions. In order for the "WHOLE" to be manifested without a need to know the beginning and the end of it, two poles of opposite charges are needed just the same. In a human way I would like to demonstrate that.

The negatively charged side of my being I call "my black dog" who when in charge puts the rest of the body/mind/spirit bodies through hell! It happens to be that cannabis is the plant form which puts the black dog most in action. As it happens in the bartering system in which I operate most of the time, every so often some clients will offer cannabis in place of currency, some offer services, and yet others offer different goods I might need. When the cannabis is offered however, the black dog goes nuts. The rhythm's change, daily good routines are done away with and a phrase is used to describe our lives "these are my dead days". What is YOUR nemesis? What turns your whole into one dark/dead self for a time?

The vast space between this manifestation of an addictive behavior as long as the plant form is around and the one who writes these lines, who is as pure and awakened as any saint, IS; Nonetheless, about the distance between our galaxy and the tenth one over to the far left! I mean to say that without this duality life as we know it will cease to exist. The two are indeed as far removed from one another as light and darkness, yet take one away and the other instantly ceases to have any meaning. What fills the space between the two poles then?

Yet, yet and again my children, I am confessing(for lack of better terms) to have you accept your character flaws(and that of others in your life) as necessary poles holding the roof over our existence. Which side we gravitate towards and think of more often is what will determine the quality of our days on this Earth. The black dog, the carnal self, the slothful self, the egotistical self, the yin to our yang cannot be surgically removed! As an old teacher of mine said "I have tamed my black dog, he is on a leash, walks quietly next to me always and I do tend to him from time to time" But you see my children a tamed black dog is possible only if we accept the design of its necessity. Feeling guilt ridden, offended, angry or any of these negatively charged emotions will not help the whole or put the dog into a tame state.

Don't ask why, ask how? The why is not nearly as possible for you to grasp as the how would be. "If ye had faith the size of a mustard seed, ye could move mountains" is Christ's way of saying come, show up at the door of the infinite wisdom and presence of THE ONE and, receive the means to direct creation at its core. All you need is a daily routine of showing up with an acceptance that if you ask how, YOU WILL BE SHOWN HOW!
!Rest now my love!


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