
Showing posts from December, 2005
The year 2005 seemed to me like a pregnant woman giving birth to an oversized child with a 300 day labor time. Energies far beyond our wildest imaginations running and event greater than our common fears happenings at rates faster and faster. But just as out of the fires of genesis this year has given birth through Fire, Wind, Earth and Blood a new age of amazing discoveries and understandings. Including a common understanding of our common humanity by all nations and peoples. There are no secrets in our universe! In fact my child, the only secrets are how and why life began and when and how it will cease to be. Every thing else in between is wide open for unfolding. Something I believe is about to bust at the seems in this decade which will help our humanity for certain. Celebrate life my child and see grace everywhere.
IT IS ALWAYS NOW! My children hear this well, any time you find yourself dwelling in thoughts about who"DID" what back when, you are in effect dead in the here and now! It is where your intentions lie and your thoughts that you yourself reside.True freedom my child is then being free from the thoughts that takes you to a place which no longer is. These are not mere philosophies my child, I am giving you my life, the life which, you have been a witness to. Take heed and learn from my life if what you see is indeed the life you aspire to because it is full of grace and inspiration (in-spirit). Find peace in daily contact with THE SOURCE from which you came. Put no blame on any nor seek to find the guilty; Always aspiring to bring a smile and a kind heart to every moment of your life. It is always now! And the most important ongoing task for you (just as breathing is to your life) is be in the now and look for goodness in all things. Learn from every event and take no offense. T...
Does it ever feel like you are not the principal participant in your own life? As if forces beyond your understanding pull you hither and fro? An old addiction you thought you were free of sneaks back into your life and next thing you know it is a month since you felt "BALANCED" ? Yet and still you can remember clearly that just a short time ago things were different. You had grabbed hold of a stream of energy which was propelling you ever upwards to a dimension that "MATTER" Did not matter. There was grace and where is it now? A true seeker must more than anything else learn about "FLOWING" without guilt or shame or any negativity attached to the daily dance of living/being here in this school of life on the planet Earth bound by the sphere called the firmament. When one can remain on such a stream of flowing energy, truly nothing ever goes wrong. I seem to have that certainty and steadfastness more so when I am in a community of friends and loved ones fo...
In Quantum physics the very act of measuring something will cause misreading of its qualities. I tell you my deer ones; it is all quantum relations in regards to measurements. Judge not lest you be judged, is a quantum formula which says, the energy you create by putting measurements on others will be used to measure your own actions, as a matter of law of the universe whether you understand it or not, IT IS SO!
There is a constant radiance from the presence of God that cannot be divided or explained without the explainer falling very short of the mark. Ask your self this "can I just be here and allow the radiant presence of THE CREATOR (the Source field of energy)wash over me? Can I do that as though I was sitting out in the Sun on a cold early Winter noontime just soaking in the warmth of the Sun knowing for certain that I was receiving goodness and feeling it too"? Most of us live our daily lives so removed from this simple elegance. Just as the physical Sun always shines on all matters, so does the Spiritual Sun always shine on all. Can I sit and receive the radiant energy that is everywhere without worrying about how clean I am or how worthy? Does the Sun care? Why do we think The Radiant Spirit will look at our worthiness? It is never not present, this FORCE that is the original cause of all, is as close to us as the vein on our necks! Can I not have a very personal one on one ...