For all who posses such quality as to never have to question why life is, I had an envious feeling before this night. Now it has come to pass on a warm night in Seattle, Washington in the USA that such a soul was presented to me in a most serene way. I was able to see the necessity of him as the balance the world of mad scientists like my self need. Such souls who quite contently and quietly go about whatever it is that they do in life and walk the walk of routines with complete happiness and serenity. No points to prove or disprove, no big mark to make on man's life on the planet, no ambitions aside from the task at hand. The Earth was made in balance with such a human in contrast to feisty fighters and shakers of directions so as to provide the two wings for the great spirit of TAO to fly in ease of flowing rivers. I salute your Saleemness my love, no more envy!
Showing posts from July, 2005
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But all is not well that ends well, for there is the other side to consider who did not fair so well. If my men win a war in heroic battle, the son of the losing side has died to make a good win for my side. I cannot befriend a fox if I am a bird, so I cannot wish for others as I wish for my self. Just as the Eagle who flies early mornings cannot stay up befriending the owl through the night.
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The wisest amongst you my children will come to the conclusion that there is none but God! It is His essence that gives life to the seen and the unseen. He is, has been and always will be without being. He is busy daily manifesting aspects of himself through the veil of creation. Yet there is none other to be witnessing save himself. There is no beginning to his being nor and end. Greatness is not enough of a word for human to use in describing God. Have some tea my love!
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With as much hoopla about what and who God is, along with many hundreds of books and experts, prophets, gurus, saints and sages it is an amazing wonder that most humans still find their own way of having a graceful day. The amount of do's and don't out there is enough to send any human child into a frenzy of shock for the rest of his adult life. But then as most all teachers say "Nobody is going anywhere and ain't nothing really happening here" Allrighty then!
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Friends ask me "how would people know you are a healer and have medicine if you do not advertise or get out there to become known?" The reply is still the same; Those who need my medicine will find me. What I do is not a marketable commodity, it is like the rain and the oxygen, it just is! Nor is it a commercial capital venture to send out on loud speakers, there is enough of what it is out there for the connections to be made. I am just an oxygen giving tree. Do you see trees advertising their brand of Oxygen? or asking for money?
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It takes daily attendance to a newly planted seed to have growth to maturity. It takes befriendinga wild wolf daily to tame the wolf into friendship. It takes two sides to makea wall and two wings to fly. It takes darkness and light, pain and joy, open and closed, famin and feast to make life visible to the naked eye.
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It takes a different thing for something different to happen! It takes a different state of mind for the mind to accept new and different ways of thinking. The spirit requires its own food and nourishment just as the body recieves its food of bread and water. It takes a life time to see a life time of events come to pass. It takes two sounds to make a foyful or hateful noise.
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"Seek my child the kingdom of God first and all else shall be added on to you". We have all heard this one, yet how many truly know where this kingdom is? If all notions of Heaven and Hell as preached by the organized religions of the world is to be discarded by the "new age seeker"(and rightfuly so), then what does the seeker need now to ensure some level of sanity as he goes about his daily life? Since you are in my class today my lovelies take this as your answer and work with it a while see what you come up with. "seek ye the GRACE, Kindness, Creativity, Abundance, Love, Patienc, and Compassion of God through the SOURCE first, and let heaven and hell take care of themselves in due time". NO COMPLAINS! NO BLAMES! EMIT NOTHING NEGATIVE FROM YOUR PERSON!
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Can we send a kiss via a very trusted personal messanger? Unless I have kissed the lips of the beloved I will not know how it feels regardless of how many good messangers came and brought the wonderful news! This too requires that I do the walk to the house of the beloved on my own, I can learn from the messangers as to the way and the perils of the journey and its joys. But unless I walk the walk I shall never know the taste of THE BELOVED'S kiss. Nor can I send my kiss via another well wisher messagner of my own.
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Cortisol levels are increased in the blood by stress which in turn raises the blood sugar and creates inflammation which in turn causes disproportionate distribution of fat cells in our body, dulls our skins, and slows down brain function! So next time you decide to hold on to a bad feeling, remember you are also gaining weight and killing brain cells. Accept all with Grace, REMEMBER!
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So many of us are talking heads and here is my turn. Don't tell me about the dead bones of your proud heritage and ancestors, nor tell me about the greatness of you masters and teachers, rather show me the grace in your life, in your eyes, in your actions, and in the way you interact with others. Show me your stuff, let me feel it, sense it, and keep it getting better the longer I know you. Now that is your proud heritage! You are the master thusly!
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With every breath there are two blessings, instant witness to the flow of life force which cannot be controlled or denied. As the breath enters the body it brings life giving oxygen(already a part of the master design) and as the breath leaves the body it takes the dirty air out. This automated system of life sustaining action is how close the DESIGNER is to his design. We look high and low uttering desperately "oh beloved God where are you?" or " Let me feel you God, come into my life.." While all along the beloved is intertwined with our very breath! And with the flow of the rivers that feed our lands and the oxygen producing bacteria! No man alive or dead will ever know just what or who the DESIGNER is, but no one has ever seen the winds either, only the motions of the leaves and the waters!
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Too many, far too many of you complain far too much! Always blaming someone for something you are experiencing or complaining about life's events. I tell you to go to Iraq if you really want something to complain about. Go to Iraq and live under those conditions imposed upon you by governments and hooligans in your homeland and live with 4 hours of electricity a day, lack of water, your children being killed right before your eyes, the 120 degree heat of summer in the desert and then tell me what it is you lack here! Enough said.
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So grab your warm clothes and good shoes it is going to be a long journey and you won't know how far it is until you get there. Once you decide you want to travel down the rabbit hole preparations need to be made and commitments to the journey, consistent actions are required and for every fall there is a rise so that you have two wings to fly with!
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It is not so tough once we accept that no matter what is in front of us, there is a similar thing behind us which we have passed from. If the purpose is to learn from the past and I find my self in exactly the same situation again that I thought was behind me, then I have not learned the lesson and obviously needed a repeat course! At every turn the Forces of God's design are hard at work to ensure that this human experience is not wasted away in frivolity. THE WIND, THE SUN, THE EARTH, AND THE WATERS all are busy dutifully so you do not forget my child.
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The same Zen thought as I mentioned on 70205 was also brought to The Persian Empire back about 3500 years ago. The prophet Zoraster's messaage(still being pr\acticed by many in today's Iran) was: THINK WELL, DO WELL, AND SAY WELL. The world was simply diveded into two forces of good(Ahoora) and evil(Ahreeman). Man's life was then accordingly divided into actions based on what side he served. Not the way of either with me or against me mentality, but that every action, thought, or word eiter enhanced the Ahoora energy in one's life or the Ahreeman energy. Today we say take actions which enhance your life not hinder its progressive evolution. Half a dozen of one or 6 of the other, no change in the message.
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THINK as though the whole of the sky was a screen displaying your thoughts; SPEAK as though the whole of life is but one ear listening to your words; ACT as though the fruit of every action was to return to you right away. I don't remember where I read or heard this, it sounds Zen so we'll go with that. In reality my love you have already had your brother's wife in bed the instant your thoughts went that way(and your brother knows it!). Can I be so transparently truthful? Do I say one thing and do another all the while fooling only myself that no one else knows? Does it matter if you tell me what you really think of my life if your thoughts are on display in the skies above for all to see? Can you say you care with your tongue, think quite the opposite in your mind then expect harmony? We are spiritual works in progress not finished products. Learning as we go, we may never be able to be the Master that Christ was or Buddha, but we need to try! The need for this shaman i...