
Showing posts from December, 2003
As soft as water is, nonetheless, in time it will make a hole in the hardest rocks drop by drop by drop! Doing anything worth while seems to have that parameter built into it, if you cannot stick around and do the job regardless of all constraints, then you are not going to behold the joyous results of success.Persistance pays off if the thought behind the job is reasoned in possibilities within reason. If I stay at it long enough, there is nothing I cannot do. Learn to play a musical instrument to test your stick-to-it-ness!!
It is with consistency in actions wrapped in deep universal harmonious intentions that we can have the hope of acquiring wisdom and maturity. Stick-to-it-ness! Keep a good habit going and regress not to old bad ones.
If you find yourself at about the same spot in your life as last year; Waht does that tell you about YOU? If you are suffering from the same anxieties, pains and feel just as you did a year ago today; What does that tell you about YOU? If you feel just as content and free as you did a year ago today; What does that say about YOU? Do we have a reliable source for measuring progress or regress? Or stagnation? If we do then it behooves YOU to know about it!
" Faith is having hope for justice and believing in the things unseen" A qoute from the Bible which says; I believe in the design and the designer, and for that I am free of fear and anxiety. Show up for life with hope and faith daily!
Just when you think you've got it figured out, life seems to give you another twisted senario to unravel. Let not a day go by my child without gearing up for battle, for the enemy resides in the windmills of your mind and the crevases of your imaginations. Seek the Great Spirit's help, always!
In the spirit of Christ however; I say be merrry one and all for in his birth LOVE itself was born to the world in its most unsefish graceful way. HAPPY HOLIDAYS Y'ALL!
Even though by all historical accounts it has been established that Christ was not born in December nor did Columbus really discover America, every year like sheep who have no mind of their own, the masses go on celebrating and teaching their children a false doctrine. Not that it matters when Christ was born or who really found this land, but it is the way in which we have come to accept falsehood as truth and by extension how we carry this habbit into our other affairs of lives without thinking.Like our false advertisements about medicines, oh.. don't get me started! "yes doc I saw it on t.v. and it must be good" Wake up my child! awaken children of Adam! before the hour comes finding you asleep!
Unless I practice what I preach, it will not be effective. Unless I walk the walk, you cannot hold my hands for guidance. Unless I remain steadfast and be consistant, even God's grace will be taken away by my own ways. It is the same in the spiritual matters as it is in the physical matters of our lives, a computer program works consistantly to produce favoured results, a well oiled machine runs good and a well tuned instrument sounds great in the hands of a master. All of which require stick-to-it-ness by me.
There are no short cuts or get free quick tricks in the spiritual matters. Indeed for the human, there is nothing except that for which he has toiled for. It is the very actions arising out of our needs followed by steadfastness and resolve which will ultimately bring grace to our awainting hearts.
A good fellow I know is going through some tough times with his wife and kids, he just got served a paper from the CPS which practically killed him. You know one of those that says you cannot even raise your voice at your kids! I did mention to him that if he were to look at the number of hours he listens to these moaning,complaning, negative radio talk shows, and then the daily news, covering more negative crap about what is wrong with our world, it should be no surprize where his personal life is headed. WHEN YOU SURROUND YOUR SELF WITH CONSTANT NEGATIVITY, THAT IS ALL YOUR LIFE WILL BE ABOUT. Sing instead, I told him, walk with grace, trun off that radio/TV and put some songs on and let grace enter your life. He is going to try this.
I truely felt bad for the kids who make a living working the phones from these tele-marketing rooms when the law passed about the no-call list. Granted there are some jerks out there who use the phones to do some very hard sales and are pushy about it, but for the most part all one has to do is say no thank you and get off line. Now what is so hard abut that? Does everything have to put into a LAW?
There must be a point at which we can come to our own identity. All the talk about why I am the way I am and my mother was responsible or my dad abused me, has to come to an end if one is to become " whole " and " free". Both of which require taking responsibility for our action here and now, without attached strings to either past or the unforseen scary future. Conciousness is raised by the very actions needed in order to "come to our own", walk the walk!
Steadfastness is the key for this day! Stick-to-it-ness is what is means in today's English, and it stands for doing the right thing for your life consistantly. If you know that for example the digestive system of your body cannot do its job without the input of green leafy vegetables and fruits, then it behooves you to consistantly, habitually, regularly, daily do the deed even if you don't like salads or have no time to put one together, because it is the right thing to do. In the long run this manner of steadfastness will without any doubt whatsoever, produce "positive" results for your life, which will most assuredly translate into "serenity" and well being.
In every walk of life there can be balance if one seeks to moderate one's strong opinions and beliefs. A hard liner Muslim or Christian can walk in grace and have grace in their lives if they only stop condemning the "non-believers" and "judge not" the faults of them so harshly. Look for the big bolder in your own eyes my child before you try to pick out the the thorns from your fellow man's eyes.
What is a church? A big elaborate building? A house? I tell you friends verily a church is forsaking not the communion of one another in the name of God whenever and wherever two or more of you can gather in His name. Let your needs take you to the source of answers in total awe! and let your mind not get in the way by asking why?
Arrogance is a very close relative of Ignorance. If the one seeking to learn had honor for the learning and the teacher, seeking his/her wisdom would be done in humility and eagerness. We the children of Adam, so much like our Jewish brothers are still reluctant to bow to the greatness that is God! So it is lack of knowledge which I say is the cause. Every great scientist and mind I've known had no problem being humbled by the Master and reach out in desparate need for answers. Ego and false Pride are indeed born of ignorance!
My kids and a few friends keep asking me to write down the way energies work and how our intentions make up our daily physical realities . We have wonderful conversations which usually lead to these requests because the talks get so deep that it seems like a good idea to have them written down for reference. God willing, there will be just such a document with clear, easy to understand phrases(much like I am trying to do in these daily thoughts) for keepsake and a memory.
Whereas the party of the first party is insane and the party of the second party is also insane, I hereby decree that there shall be no more fears, worries, paranoid thoughts, hatred, or pouting. Let there be only willingness and thankfulness instead. Willingness to show up for life daily and thankfulness for the life that is within and without. AMEN!
Our combined world technology has almost reached a place where we can use Electrons and living cells for transfer of data. In other words what the universe has been doing for eons, by electro-chemical exciting of the cells, any electron then can carry any sort of data it is implanted with to the next receptor point. A home computer then can forseeably be as small as a ping pong ball and do 100 times more work that what we are used to today. As one phycisist put it, "Electrons have always know how to carry information, we just never thought to use them". Is it any wonder then that I worship The MASTER DESGNER of it all?
I guess the Catholics had a good idea with the weekly confessions until it went wrong with preasts themselves going sour and all the nonsensical crap that went along with that. I would like to find just such a place of pure hearing and unburdon my soul once or twice a month, after all who amongst us is sinless? who is perfect and never falters? So I do the next best thing, I lay it on God daily to fix.
There are more cells in our body than there are stars and plnets in our galaxy! Now consider this, every single cell knew it destiny by the codes of the hormones. Even though all came from two single double strand of DNA, the hair cells became hair, the heart cells made the heart, and the entire nervous system came from one cell dividing. Is it any wonder I worship THE DESIGNER?
We learn to create good energies and bad ones (vibes as they're also known) and the minute we think up the thought, there! the energy is created and on its way to whatever receptor it will find. Be careful my child, what you think or ask for, there goes another rubbe tree plant!
When Christ talked about "narrow is the road to salvation..." and "wide is the road to ..." He was indeed letting everone know that it is not an easy walk in the park living a Godly life. It is so easy to be destructive and follow every desire of the flesh, it is not so easy to tame the desireful self and follow God's commandmants specially in a society where it is more "Cool" being "with it" than not. The clothing now fashioned for women as "OK" used to be only worn by the street walkers and prostitutes! What does that say about the world in which we live? is it OK by Christ?
We only have to show up daily in need of guidance and healing. Like any other thing we do regularly, it will take time to establish a good pattern of daily prayer/meditation/time with the spirit activity. There will be days when we just don't want to bother even with God! well those are indeed the days we need to drag the old body and mind to help the soul get its food. The only times I say stay away from this practice is when you are intoxicated, It would be most capricious to be a babling drunk in God's presence.
The more we show up in prayer and need of help in the court of God, the better we will feel the day after. Take time to pray daily my child, start and end each day in His majestic court of LOVE and let Him heal your wounds and ease your pains, as you are guided through the wisdom of God.
Expectations are among the worst of our habitual ways which create stress and anxiety. Yes it is my right to expect my daughter, mate, boss, or friend to be supportive and there when I need help, But is it useful to my health to carry this expectation with me every moment of every day? Because sooner or later they will fail to meet that expectation and the suffering is mine to bear. And if an argument or fight breaks out over the situation, well now I have caused havoc in my life from exercising that "right". It is much better for us to learn to change our expectations of (PEOPLE, THINGS AND PLACES) to " preferences " which in essence say, I will be happy and pleased if the situation turns out as I prefer it, but I will not be devastated or upset if it does not, I will go on doing what I can to take care of whatever needs taking care of and ACCEPT MORE, EXPECT LESS for my own health. Learning about life is such hard work, aye?
It is so hard to believe another year is over. What happens to past events when Time runs its anual course? Or better yet, does the cycle of seasons which has forever ran about the same really change or go anywhere? Nothing new under the Sun my child, Nothing what so ever. You and me are reruns of the same old movie, just a different screen made up of the Quarks of the space-time continuam.
It would be rather a boaring life if there were no challenges to resolve or obsticles to overcome. In fact I do not believe the very life we live could be possible on this planet. So take heart my child, there is always a solution to every seemingly impossible situation or problem. Just don't give up! and if you do have to give up looking for the right answers to that particular situation, don't give up hope for others which are sure to come your way the rest of your life.