LIFE IS, GOD IS,,,,,,,,, YOU;;;; ARE NOT!!!!!

Salaam(peace) children;
I remember not having a body! A part of the life force in this body has not changed since it arrived on this planet, Earth. Listen to this quote children; " If you knew, who walks beside you at all times, on this journey which you have chosen, you would never fear nor worry ever again"

Fear and worry are products of our disconnected minds from that essence of life which, if you think about it is present in all forms, animated or not! Look kids, try to get this please my beautiful ones, YOU ARE NOT, ONLY LIFE IS, and it flows through the form you call "me, I" as it does in the form of flowing rivers and flying birds. IT, this life force which gives existence its meaning (as we understand it any way) could care less whether you believe or not, because there really is no you that is independent of IT!

A fool would say that "all this happened by coincidence" and the bigger fool would start believing that or find reason to be doubtful! Tell me child, if this "LIFE FORCE" were not present, would there be a you or any thing else? Whether you believe or understand, IT goes on as it has for millions of years, and YOU ARE NOT apart from IT! So how can a being who IS NOT except as a result of another flowing force giving ITS being, its form, have problems or worries? Does the tree say "Oh no, another winter, I have to almost die again"?

Come awake now children, KNOW FOR CERTAIN WITHOUT A WAVERING DOUBT, THAT LIFE IS, GOD IS, BUT YOU ARE ONLY AN IMAGE OF IT ALL! Go gather a bunch of genes and particles and arrange them in any way you wish, and see if they "coincidentally" make a life form as beautiful as you or a flower with the female part carrying the seeds for the next generation? We can even write down perfect formulas explaining almost every aspect of how life works or is, but we will never have a way to give them "life"! They just lay there lifeless, in perfect equilibrium!



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