salam janam; it has not stopped raining here in Texas,since my arrival! They say 21 days of rain in may is the most it has ever rained in Texas, and it has not stopped yet close to the end of June! I have freaked a few Texans by collecting and drinking the precious rain water! My own kids remember us doing it in Arizona, but they have grown and forgotten the ways . I keep getting this message of urgency to remain connected to THE LIGHT SOURCE WITHIN, as if life is saying to all the true seekers "no more half ass'ed measures will do now" (a very awakening thought, more like a kick in the ass for the dog). I have been blessed with the deepest, most intimate moments with THE BELOVED. I found wisdom in getting sick as a dog in the past three days when my beloved Rumi tongue said "THE CURE TO EVERY PAIN IS IN THE PAIN ITSELF", I fell ill and did not get up for 2 days. My daughter could not believe it, nor could the grand kids, "WHAT? " they said, "baba...