
Showing posts from June, 2006


As you go through life my child and your own image of who you are changes know this for certain my love " YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS, YOU ARE NOT YOUR EMOTIONS, YOU ARE NOT EVEN THE BODY WHICH CARRIES YOU, NOR ARE YOU THE STUFF YOU OWN". THATS JUST ALL STUFF, STUFF... If this image can change so rapidly based on how much money you have, or who approves of you, or the home you live IN, the job you work at (and change it does almost day by day!) Then tell me which one is the REAL YOU???? The real you my love is part of the origins of all the universe, you are part of the DIVINE LOVE which has never stopped loving. This human experience we have my love is only for learning about the true origins of our essence which is all spirit and no flesh or bones! I tell you child if you want to stop the yoyo effects of mental/emotional stuff, you need to want more of that original you and less of this you which was built by conditions of your environment and bunch of genes and images. None...


WHERE DOES a fool like me get his inspirations? What religion, what teachings can compare to the bundle of self evident wisdom and graceful presence dropped without cease, by my door steps every day ? Where indeed does one look for hope to continue in the face of a mirage of events wrapped around molecules of an intention elsewhere? Patterns of practices which enhance the body medium and produce natural opiates and Seratonin. IT is the Daily WORK patterns of a green leaf that results in Oxygen and Cholophyl. Yet and still, all is molecules bound by forces from within and without. Yet it is all one event flowing, the TAO is everywhere. LIFE MUST BE LIVED. LIFE CANNOT BE IGNORED, EVEN DEATH IS A MANIFESTATION OF THE LIFE FLOW . Patterns engraved on the chipset of every molecule in the universe make sure of that continuation of THE LIFE FLOW! Where does a fool like me get his inspirations? YOU INSPIRE ME LOVE!


The patterns of a farmer makes for a good harvest. In the olden days when the farmer had only the natural sources to rely on(well they still do, right?) the farmer would work the Earth, plant the seeds and care for the fields. That is all one has to do, is be there, walk the walk and KNOW THAT ALL IS WELL! Every thing rotates circular!


EAGLE NEBULA> Anything WE do daily will open doors to pockets of energies which can either hinder or enhance OUR growth. Simple things like sitting at a sunset, going for a walk first thing in the morning before getting busy with the stuff of the world. Reading a poem or two, an inspiring book, meditating/praying. When we learn that patterns are what makes the world run, we will have become awakened to the possibility of being totally at ease and at peace walking this Earth. Showing up is after all is a pattern we seem to have no choice in(like waking up every morning), but showing up with a certain knowledge and strong faith in the design of life as a whole, can and will lead to patterns which are always bringing sweet wine to our spirits. NAMASTE' AMORE!


THERE is an old 15-19 year old cat in my creek side neighborhood who comes to my home scratches his paws on the door knowing that I will always have a good meal for him. This cat has survived this hilly country side place which is full of other wild life like coyotes and hawks which have devoured many a wondering cats and small animals through the years. Yet, this old man who is called "granpa" by all who know him in the neighborhood has survived to his ripe old age by knowing where to and when to hide or when to run. This cat has become a teacher of sorts to me, because to him I am also the shaman who has healed his wounds a time or two when the astray dogs got their fangs in him and left him for dead. To him I am the master who will always care for him and the food he receives is good meat from my own plate or mackerel fish from a can(I buy these at the 99cent stores). Where I draw my inspiration from this old cat is the amount of faith he displays in my steadfastness and r...


Let me say it again my love. If you wish to have some sunshine you need to go out or wherever it is shining. The Suns goodness is always ON whether you go seek it or not (the goodness is what keeps every life form on Earth going). It is the same my child with GOD'S GRACE, it is ON all the time and pouring onto the whole of life. Whether we choose to believe it is so, and go set in the light is indeed a choice we make every single day my love. You don't even have to call it GOD's GRACE ok? Call it the energy from the SOURCE because either way this notion if you are a child of reason will make you think of your origins in the most exquisite way. We are after all star dust , so go seek the place from whence you originated. That field of energy which has never stopped creating, then find your own word for it. It is not about religions child, most have made up God to fit an agenda which, somehow the presence of God got lost in translations or intentions of the after effects. Wha...


If one were to take a survey (well we do a lot of that these days!) and ask the human population of this planet "what is it you really want out of life?" The answers may be different on the surface but once examined we are all saying the same thing. I just want to settle in a permanent happy place and never leave. Now some of us may think that stuff of this world like Money, prestige, fame, good kids, a bigger house; And if you are a Mongolian in that cold place it may be 100 more acres of good grass land(I am sure you can think of your own words to fill in the blank). Some even may say that it is spiritual serenity, or knowledge, Love of a special one, what else? Look my love! It is all the same, because if you put a an UN-content human in a heaven like place it won't be enough, and by contrast put a content human in a Hell like place and he will find a way to stay content with WHAT IS! Does God have any choice in being God, all alone, the Alpha and the Omega? Or whateve...