For a long while now we all seem to really believe that opposites attract! I mean from the laws of magnetism we just kinda eased into accepting that in people relations too only the opposites attract and even came to believe that its the best kind to have(after all who wants sameness and harmony when there are oppositions to be had!). So my children what do you believe? Is it your own found truth or some hand me down stuff from the culture around you? Do you celebrate Christmas because everybody else has done it for so long? Do you hustle to get a birthday gift and fear the consequences of forgetting someone's "special day"? And, when did valentine become so important a sign of how much we "love" someone? Tell me my child, is there a set of convictions and beliefs that you might call your own? How about the style of your clothing and shows you watch? Indeed there is very little we have that is our own, let alone knowing what is the opposite of me or like me. Me! What a concept. Seek to know your origin my love, the rest; Well the rest is just empty stuff floating about in a neutrino cloud of nothingness.


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