
Showing posts from January, 2006


STOP! RELOAD AND THINK AGAIN. WHERE DID YOU COME FROM IF NOT FROM THE VOID? WHATEVER ELSE YOU BELIEVE IN HAD TO START FROM THE VOID WHICH BY DEFINITION IS BOUNDLESS! NOW TELL ME LOVE, WHY THE FUSS OVER YOUR FURNITURE OR THE POLITICS OR THE RELIGION? Do you like pain? Do you wish to change the world out there? Can you start by changing the universe within you first? OK then. Turn that judgemental camera focus to your own thoughts and actions, leave others be my love.


"We must use our awakened attention to catch unnecessary thoughts and withdraw our consent from them." Guy Finley from his web site. And how does one go about that? I urge you again my children, Meditate, Pray, Sit Still, Do whatever you believe in which can bring your wondering mind into focus so as to allow the spirit within to create that "CENTER OF CALM" . This center my child is what all the masters and prophets and teachers of time have spoken of. It is where you and the SOURCE from whence you came are ONE! There is always certainty there and balance, there is always calm and serenity. You can at any given time go there and attain that "awakened attention" that will keep you from making wrong choices or hurting inside because you think painful thoughts. God my child, is not something out there to get to, It is in calming your churning mind that you can SEE the God within who is never afraid nor does worry ever enter into that place, NEVER! IT IS AL...


IT is easy to be the angry, shouting, putting people down, loud and contentious voice. Try instead my child to be the gentle, calming, elegant and dignified voice. Rise to the Godhead that is your birthplace and destiny. Aspire always to elevate your self to goodness rather than falling downward to your lower self. At any given time you can cling to the negative or the positive, YOU! My child make choices as to the state of your elegant presence. Where-ever you are, be the soul of that place!
As the spirit within gets its nourishment daily along with our body. There is sure to be calm and certainty. To discover more of what makes sense easier to grasp even if it does not match our own desires. In fact the very idea of desiring becomes foreign because the mind becomes more and more disciplined in acceptance of the TAO without question. This may create a feeling of being alone as indeed we become "different" and yet it is this very change which will in the end bring the fruit of ONENESS with all things and all people. ALL IS ONE AND ALONE! Never mind the mind my child, tend to the spirit and free the mind.


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955). Well he was right about not being sure about the infinity of the universe, the expansion will only go on for a very determined length of time, at which time our own human ways of stupidity will have come to an abrupt end and clarity.
Set the crystal glass doors to my inner self aside I must! Indeed there are so many times when it is best left wide open for intrusions lest the Master happens by and I am busy with decorations on the walls of my inner space. Or worse yet, oh so much worse for a true seeker that I should be busy watching performing arts run on the television's short wave lengths coming into my big screen with surround sound speakers! Hahaha...Oh haahahahahaha! What? Did I hear myself just put me in my place? Performing arts! Yeah right! Keep me numb art to be sure.
Many many moons ago we were all one family, spoke the same language and had the same basic fears and aspirations. In the time scale of the universe it was only a few hours ago! My children think not yourself as separate or different from any other. We are still one and the same family, just got bigger and separated by miles and selfish greed tattooed with ignorance and hate. The gene that began it all is still the same one, the home is still the same home, and we will come out from behing the walls we have built soon enough to embrace one another again as brothers and sisters in LOVE! Have faith my child in the design and the DESIGNER! Look around and see the flow of all things in harmony. Be at peace!
How little do we know about the conditions of our brothers and sisters in other parts of this small planet. Oh, how so very little! Tears were flowing down my cheeks as I watched the plight of subsaharan African communities deal with this global epidemic with no resources depicted in the film "Yesterday" on PBS (aired 1-04-05). While we sit in our comfortable homes here in the west our brothers and sisters are dying of AIDS in Africa as our fearless leaders talk of help. By the end of the year 2004 in Africa alone 30 million people died because of HIV-1 infections. As I sobbed this night, I felt God's pain like a father watching his children going against his every advise and forgetting the fact of US ALL BEING ONE BODY! Hear me well children, you will feel the pain of your brothers and sisters whether you realize it or not. And until such time as we become aware enough to see our ONENESS AND THE COMMON HUMANITY'S PAINS my children, all talks of good heartedness of ...
Most self help gurus these days seem to indicate that there will be a "eureka" moment in our lives if we are truly seeking to have access to "all that we can be and to live our dream life". I am still waiting! And guess what? For the most part I find peace and grace and harmony in all matters of the life I live. I am content now! And there never really was a "eureka" moment. I worked my ass off, dealt with pain, meditated and fasted and did grunt work, accepted pain in grace and silence, the result of which is a content life which I finally arrived at after I gave up all the expectations of "Hallelujah! praise God EUREKA!" stuff and learn to stay steadfast with what worked and away from what did not.But above all I learned to completely trust the wisdom which created me and maintained a regular daily contact with that source of awesome energy. Now then, you go do this my child and maybe for you there will be a big magic moment full of fireworks i...