Three things stand between you my child and sernenity. Your EGO, the Energies in your life, and lack of daily meditation/prayer. God willing I will make good on the promiss of being the source of wisdom for you, when you are ready to know for certain, all you need to do, is call on me.
Showing posts from March, 2004
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No regrets! because the instant we regret a past experience we have negated the present. Even though yesterdays are the building blocks of todays, learn my child that at any given DAY you have a choice to make a new foundation for all your tomorrows. No Regrets! just accepting what is and not putting blame nor guilt on any one or thing. These then become the tools by which you may gain inner peace, wisdom, patience and grace.
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Isn't it amazing to witness how the levels of violence have esclated since our president decided to take revenge on Sadam Husain for his own reasons(not the ones he told us obviosly!). Is it any wonder that from the vista he holds violence is the only way to be safe? Are we any safer? What would Christ say to this man? Go kill and be proud? Look around you my child and see that for every act of kindness and humility, you have a star and smile to show in the book of your life. Peace on Earth!
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I paraphrased Dr. Max Plank noble prize winning phycisit and today I say again to you my child; connect to the SOURCE of all things and know the true face of HAPPINESS. For in the same matter that all your physical aspects were formed of one particle, so too was the realm of your divine self with all its other atributes, this is the energy of your life which also propels you forward if you keep the connection alive.
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There is no "matter" as such in the universe. Indeed every thing that eminates energy has originated from a source. This source "inetends" matter into bieng and is the matrix for all matter in the universe. By the very virtue of INTENTION all things and events are made available in the realm of form and matter. If the SOURCE were to take its attention off of any matter, that matter would cease to exit. It is the SOURCE that provides the force and energy to all things.
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For nearly 15 billion years the dance of energy and matter has created all we know and much that we do not know. In less than 150 years we as modern techno humans have done more damage than all the rest of the history of all other species on this planet Earth. I pray my God that I can be an instrument of your wisdom and grace in order for my brothers and sisters to see the error of our ways and stop this madness. Let me be a mirror showing only light and harmony.
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Spring officially begins today! How dead did your trees look just a week ago? Does not sleeping so long resemble death? Is resurection so hard to imagine in the midst of all that is coming back to life before your very eyes today? I pray that all your days in the spirit are spring like, full of life and vigore for all your life my child.
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Once you've had a taste of this sweet nectar, there is no going back. As one great teacher put it, once you have arrived you will have no choice but to stay. Seek my child that sweet wine of ecstasy which only comes in your most sober moments of clear connection to THE SOURCE from which you emanated from, and all others did too.
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Time is passing along the length of my spacial self without any regards for youth or hair folicals. Yet I feel younger by the day, more anxious and eager to meet each 24 hour segment of my life(that is all I can fathom anyway) with anticipation and a kindered heart ready to serve as I can. No vain glory, no identification with the tasks, just motion in total gratitude and remembrance of home with my maker.
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every day we are given chances by our interactions with other souls around us to see what we are made up of inside. There are plenty of occasions to be offended by some, hurt by others, made angry yet again through these interaction, and/or saddened by events. All of which, are mirror occasions giving us the chance to look at the face of the person we are. Any time I give in to any of these negative emotions or display any such faces, I am acively disconnecting from my SOURCE of harmony, I am not changing the occasions energy, I am adding fuel to the fire of negativity already brewing.
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I have been quating Dr. Wayne Dyer without giving him credit for the lessons, so here it is for the record. For all the years I have spent trying to explain how life as we know it works on a daily basis, I have never been able to put forth such easy to grasp and basic set of rules as it were. Look, once you understand that everything in the universe came from a SOURCE and that, that source is still very much part of and linked to what we are experiencing, then it stands to reason to want to be in harmony with that SOURCE which by all scientific and social agreements is all knowing, full of abundance and giving without discrimination. It just works that way, you connect daily and receive in abundance.
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If you go to THE SOURCE with "I hate this or that, I cannot do this or that, I don't have enough..etc" you will see that THE SOURCE will oblige and fullfil the intentions by which you went to it. So why not now learn to go with abundance already in your intentions, as if you had all you needed, surrounded by all conditions you desire. I guarantee you will be quite pleased to see how your thoughts of abundance and calm, will bring just that kind of energies to you. You want goodness and grace, then assume you already have it, walk with grace and don't take offense.
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So verily I tell you my child that the power of choice is whether to conciously be connected to the source of all creation and energy or be unwittingly affected by the actvities within the LAW of how it all works. Staying concious and connected siply means to know that as we think and act we are indeed creating our daily reality of our lives(so we have control). Indeed that is the only choice we have, to stay connected or to disconnect from the source. THE SOURCE goes on creating regardless. Seek to realize tha power of your intentions my child and see them come alive.
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The source of all creation is in a constant state of active recreation based on the viberational fields of energies in contains. Remeber the bowl of particles we talked about a couple of days ago, imagine that every particle in it gives out its own unique field of energy(measurable now in science) which in turn viberates the particle next to it which was itself in a state of emmiting a viberating field. Infinately so, all the particles(you, me, he, she, the tree and the bumble bee) are in a constant dance of vibrating and being viberated, thwarting off in the process fields of creative energies cabable of bringing good or evil, constructive or destructive, hindring or accelerating forces to bear down on the entire universe as we know it from mondane to the grandure of a noble prize. I did say a mouth full, now you imagine it, can you? feel it?
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If you think of all that exists as a big bowl of, say, electrically charged particles which respond and create energies corresponding to every out put by every other particle in the bowl. What we have hear children is an ever creating environment which can only create what is requested of it. If one is saying "I can't , I can't" all the time then a serving of "I can't" will be serverd to him/her regularly. Get it? As you think so you create your world. How many positive thinking heads would you say it takes to create a world empty of hatred? WE shall continue
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We are not humans here having spiritual experiences we are indeed spirits here having human experiences. Once we get passed the shell and the EGO of our human form, folks it is very delightful to see how connected we are to the source of all things, pure energy and the power of creation. To take up where I left off yesterday, in order to experience a full harmonious life it is essential that we learn how to maintain a healthy vehicle(the body),a healthy actuator(the brain) and a healthy creator(the spirit). It really is much easier than it sounds, but we must first WANT this harmony enough to do what it takes. Do YOU? Read on then friend.
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Let's continue from yesterday. We must accept(whether we understand it or not) that we are indeed made up of three components which work together(or not) as our lives go on. A physical body made up of flesh and bones if you were the workings of which are known to most of us(take in material, produce heat, digest, motorize, and so on). The mental body or the cognitive processes of our existence is carried out in the part of the body called the brain. Along with the neuro pathways and the system of nerve cells within and without it. Electro-chemical is the mechanics of this function but far from how it actually operates. As advance as we have become in modern science, we have yet to discover all the inner workings of the brain. Suffice to say that our daily actions of joy,hate,learning,working,likes and dislikes are all decided within this system of our body. Then there is the part which connects us to the universes unseen, the realm of the spirit, Ether, the world of pure energies a...
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I have down with some sort of cold deep in my lungs for a week now. This was about the time I did enough wrong things to reduce my immune system to its most voneralbe state. Amazingly enough this is how viruses attack computers too, when we go places we should not, do not take proper protective measures, and just plain ignore basics of safety. It is the same in the spirit realm as well, our spiritual body (being) is just as vonerable and prone to attacks from spiritual viruses. we will suffer if we do not wear the armor of basic spiritual, meidtative daily acts. Learning is not easy.
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Staying focused is one thing we all must learn if we are to achieve any thing worth while in life. Stick-to-it-ness is what I call it. Even after we realize and "know" for a fact that a certain course of action is beneficial, the devilish lazy bum in us drops the ball mid way just because! After 54 years on this planet, this old shaman is still learning these facts of life. I suspect for the young me it never mattered much.
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Dealing with merchants and repairmen who do not communicate about the job they are doing for us can truly be testing. On the one hand we don't want to piss them off by being a pest, and on the other hand we don't want to seem like a woos who will just sit there and wait and take whatever his royal repairman hand him. But this is again where our daily prayers/meditations come in handy. If I am centered and at peace within, I can call many times and still sound as sweet as an old grandma, say what needs to be said, hear his side and go on about either accepting his story or talking some more about the job. All I really need is answers.
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I tell you verily my child that God does not need our prayers, nor does Buhda get holier from our meditative time. It is us who need to do the acts of centering and calming the churning mind through meditation and prayer in order to go on living. Living with a sense of purpose and awareness, not as animals who eat, sleep, have sex, and die.
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Do we not have to go from one end of a day to the other any way? I mean, it is journey that all living beings have to pass in order to get to their bed and rest. Why then do we seem to think a day can be shorten or lengthen by how we think? Stressing over every little incident is not the way to walk this journey my child. Time passage is like a river of events and the most effective way of crossing a river is going with the curent learning to float and be vigil of the rocks.