We have yet to learn as a whole how our humanity depends on and gets its fuel from our innermost intentions. Regardless of how cordial we are, how civil we try to be on the outside, it is the force of our intentions that runs our world. Be careful then my child what you think deep inside.
Showing posts from February, 2004
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At the risk of sounding like a cliché I must say it because it is so true. "I was complaining because I had no shoes, until I met a man with no feet" any time you think your life is hard my child, look around the world you live in, even further, look overseas for the war torn famine gripped under way under privileged folks who's only fault was living in that certain geographical location. Give thanks my child, always .
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So here is a good one for you; I have no idea what happened to 2-25-04! Another 24 hour slice of life gone forever into the cemetery of dead seconds for which there was not a log made into the book of the Family of Adam. If you happen to come across such a day within the windmills of your mind, grab on to today before it joins yesterday my child.
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There is a subtle way in which we all attempt to get our way in most situations which can fool the best of tricksters. I have wittnessed young kids 4 or 5 years old use these techniques like a master of manpulation. Is this how we lost our inocence you suppose? Oh how I long for the day when honesty and integrity are the norm and we don't have to worry about being fooled by any trickery of little ones or big ones. Specially in advertisements, commerce and personal relationships. Dream on old man!
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How civilized does man have to get in order to realize that hatred and violance never have solved any of our common problems? The Anglo man came to the Newfound land and called its native residants "savages" right off the bat. Then in the name of the Lord raised holy hell on the poor folks, cut their hair and told them they can no longer speak their native tongue! wow!! how is it any different now? Is the powerful so blind to what their abuse of this power is doing in the world? Have we matured any at all? God help us all!
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Numbers seem to have their own world when it comes to energies and power. Numerology was once a very respected science until some palm reader hustlers got hold of the basic parameters and nothing was good again in numbers. I have my own ways of using numbers to help me stay focused and even bring forth energies I need into my life. It all goes back to basic faith however. I send a prayer and praise God every time my eyes see the nubmer 11:11 on any time piece. I receive the blessing through this portal in time--space continuam whether I understand fully how it all is connected or working.
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The idea of Valentine's day is good to be sure, it is the way in which we commercialize every holiday without a thought or a care that bothers me. We are raising yet another generation of children who'll grow up bound by the nonsensical crap we put in their heads that was put in our heads and the circle of crap just keeps going and going and going! who amongst you is brave enough to break the cycle? Who amongst you is brave enough to be truthful and not follow false teachings? Is Easter about Christ or rabbits?
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Let it be said again by this shaman; "things don't just happen, at every step of our accumulated history we have made choices individually or as a whole which, determined the causes we wittness in the Now!" There are chance phnomonon in the world of matter and energy, but in the spiritual realms we have quite a lot to say about the events.
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There is something I like to say about cause and effect and about quick rash judgmental call we make. I just cannot find the words today. I guess it is because I want to put a little Quantum physics in there about CHANCE and the role it plays in teaching us what we need to learn. Maybe some other time, you keep reading though ok?
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I had left some cash in a suitcase. Took the airline x and went on my way, got to my destination and found the cash was gone. A note was left in my suitcase saying as per new air port security rules your baggage was searched, etc...etc.. On the way back I had left a pair of chinese pocerlain dolls in another luggage, and yes when I got home and looked for them, they were gone! I could call and raise hell with the new airport security folks and go thru detailed account of what the money looked like, how much was it? and the dolls too, but I just realized that I am the foolish one. The thieves in these security check points know well what else to look for while supposedly looking for bombs! they have learned their lesson well, I am the one who needs to learn my lesson and not leave valuable goods in my luggage.
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Some days are diamonds and some days are plain rock and stones. It is how I chose to accept the day or have a negative outlook which will make the diference. Both kinds of days of are just anther log in the book of life at large. It is just another day, I must remain steadfast with what is within me and is working for a harmonious constant. In storm or calm I am growing always.
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Some say our world is coming very near to its end. Yet others believe we are at the verge of becoming one big family of man, a global family which, will prosper and gain peace soon. Doom or Gloom, I personally think both sides are right., Where I fly these matters of this world are null and void of any validity. This world after all is a mirage of its origin you see!
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Love in truth is suffering and compassionatly humble. It is quiet and whispering, never loud and bolstereous. It is giving beyond measure and never expecting. It is honorable and dignified even in anger or displeasure. Love is patient and enduring, never hasty or pushy. It is the source of Love which gives it these qualities, not the person who feels the feelings.
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Philosphors talk and discuss and argue, while the affairs of the world is being taken care of by the active citizens. A darvish is known for his actions not his words. And actions leave thier marks, even Jesus's teachings would have been mere philosophy had not been for the actions which accompanied the words.
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Time and again I find myself on the verge of starting a discussion on social responsibility. The very notion scares me because of the enormity of any givn cause in our today's societies and the depth to which one must go to either be involved on a large scale or remain silent as I have been. I cannot condone nor can I condem the activists who seem bent on finding "their cause" to fight for. My persian friends tend to want to talk about being effective in changing the country's fanatic Islamic regime and its multiple human rights violations, while I tend to gravitate toward social responsibility through personal resposibility in the form of being a harmoious man with all facets of life around me at any given time. It can get pretty messy when one does not have a peaceful attitude towards the world at large. I am an activist for God's perfect plan for the whole world as it were, and content to strengthen that on a daily basis. Giving out good vibes as I walk through...
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It has been cloudy or raining for the past week here in Seattle where I am spending some time visiting friends and family. I cannot imagine living in these conditions and not see the Sun shine for so long a stretch at a time. But therein lies the mystery of human mind, it will learn to adapt to any condition given enough time. In drought ridden Sudan and African Ethiupia too humans have to endure and get used to hunger and pain due to lack of water and resources, yet life goes on steadily onward to a common end here and there and all over this small planet of ours. Let us be awakened now!
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We learn it seems, mostly through hardship and hard knocks upon our stuburn heads. I recall my father trying to keep me from the dangers of smoking and drinking (while he himself was still working on not doing the same himself!) just as I am doing today with my own kids. Yet they go on doing "their own thing". The moral of the story? well; Accept my child that we are about progression not perfection in a hurry.
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Opportunities knock very lightly and usually only once or twice. Specially if it is about doing a good deed for our own spirit or to help a good cause along with some required effort. Even knowing that the end result will do us much good in being uplifted with possibility of joy and satisfaction mixed in, we seldom take the time to do the deed required. The loatheful self would rather sit in its remorse later and say "I should do more good for the people, I should pay more attention to my soul" but by then it usually is too late to retract the wrong steps and do the right deeds. Tarry not my child when the angel of righteous works knocks on your door!
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It is such a joy to see the young ones pay attention and actually ask for direction in regards to important decisions in their lives. I even had a niece or two actually ask for Antivirol capsules (the natural cold remedy I make from herbs and capsulate)when they felt a cold coming on. Let the positive energies abound my love and the wonder of your works be as clear as the SUN that shines!