
Showing posts from May, 2004
There is not much to say execpt that one man's garbage is another man's gold. Here is this Middle Eastern part of the world you get online when you can, do your thing and thank God for the oppotunity. Love is so abundant where there is shortage of convinience!
Having spent the last few days with the family in Iran, I am becoming more and more convinced that I am here for a much more grandor reason than just a visit. I do not know yet what the purpose is nor what I am to learn yet, God willing it is for the same reason as I started out for it to be, but only God knows and I shall wait patiently to find my way around all that seems so overwhelming on the onset. These logs then will serve as a study course in what was now and learning the lesson of a life time perhaps. All is well that ends well.
In offering myself in service to others without any expectations for returned favours, I am finding more of what I have been yearning for all my adult life, an inner peace which does not rely on outside sources for accreditaion or aknowledgment. Bless me my love as I learn to be a better chanel for your peace and beauty.
Do your best my child on a daily basis; to catch any negative thoughts which you may have. your peace and happiness aught not depend on your government, friends, family memebers or any outside source. From within you, comes the force which creates all that you experience.
Twice a month for now and once a month later; Just this once and I'll start on my diet again tomorrow! I am not that bad, there are people a lot of people worse off than I am dealing with the same things. How do you talk to yourself about your habits? Habits you know are harmful to your wellbeing and serenity. Learning to be easy on your own self as well as others, not using shame and guilt as tools, you will do fine in ridding your self of the bad habits. Accept the reality and take appropriate action and don't be afraid to start over and over again, endure patiently!
Twice a month for now and once a month later; Just this once and I'll start on my diet again tomorrow! I am not that bad, there are people a lot of people worse off than I am dealing with the same things. How do you talk to yourself about your habits? Habits you know are harmful to your wellbeing and serenity. Learning to be easy on your own self as well as others, not using shame and guilt as tools, you will do fine in ridding your self of the bad habits. Accept the reality and take appropriate action and don't be afraid to start over and over again, endure patiently!
Twice a month for now and once a month later; Just this once and I'll start on my diet again tomorrow! I am not that bad, there are people a lot of people worse off than I am dealing with the same things. How do you talk to yourself about your habits? Habits you know are harmful to your wellbeing and serenity. Learning to be easy on your own self as well as others, not using shame and guilt as tools, you will do fine in ridding your self of the bad habits. Accept the reality and take appropriate action and don't be afraid to start over and over again, endure patiently!
Twice a month for now and once a month later; Just this once and I'll start on my diet again tomorrow! I am not that bad, there are people a lot of people worse off than I am dealing with the same things. How do you talk to yourself about your habits? Habits you know are harmful to your wellbeing and serenity. Learning to be easy on your own self as well as others, not using shame and guilt as tools, you will do fine in ridding your self of the bad habits. Accept the reality and take appropriate action and don't be afraid to start over and over again, endure patiently!
Quantum physics we learn from experimental scientists that the nature of any subatomic matter can and does change during observations.WHEN YOU CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT THINGS, THE THINGS YOU LOOK AT CHANGE!This is more profound that it seems, we must realize that our outlook and quality of attention on matters in our lives, do have an outcome equal to the energy with which we ourselves use to interact with people, things, and places. Smoke up kid, we've only just begun to understand the subtle ways energies travel.
"Fratello assino" is what St. Francis of Assisi called his body. It means my donkey brother! Like a mule, the body which is the carrier of the five passions (five senses) can only learn to allow room for the spirit to shine through by being beaten with the whip. This of course is an alegory which says yet again, spirit is all, and the flesh counts for naught. The Idea of fasting, refraning from persuing the pleasures of the flesh (especially as we do now) will equate to the beating of this donkey brother into allowing room for the spirit child within to grow. The American Indians called this process the fight of the two wolves within, the one we feed the most will win the battle. Feed the spirit or the flesh? I say beat the crap out of this donkey brother of mine so we both can be free of the yoke of life on Earth and be forever joined with the SPIRIT.
To keep true to my promise of saying this at least once a month (maybe more of a reminder to myself) here it is again. There is no rest or serenity or peace of mind without daily cleansing of the link to THE SOURCE of all things. Prayer, meditation, quiet times spent in acknowledgment of a higher power and practicing the art of humility. It is not whether we are connected or not, but rather how clean and non-corroded the connection is and if we indeed recognize the presence of that force in all our actions. In the new string theory of Quantum physics, it is an accepted fact by all the great minds that behind the phenomenon of life there is an inteligent active mind. All that exists depend upon that mind's intentions to materialize into forms of matter. It is only the attention of HIM WHO CREATED IT ALL which keeps the show going.
Here is another good one for the non-believers to ponder upon: "HAPPINESS IS SOMETHING YOU MAKE UP YOUR MIND ABOUT, AHEAD OF TIME!" Can you see this child?
Only six more days to my flight overseas! There is a steady peace which has come over me now that I am certain of the date and the airplane tickets are in my hand. I seem to think that I really do not deserve this long vacation while so many are struggling to make ends meet. Then I am reminded of a friend's voice who said; "you cannot get poor enough to help all the poor in the world, nor can you get sick enough to heal all the diseased bodies." I must learn to be gracious in receiving as well as in giving. When we aspire to live a righteous life and keep God in front, all the right people show up and the right circumstances accrue. Abundance is a matter of contentment not aquisitions.
BETTER TO LIGHT A CANDLE THAN TO CURSE THE DARKNESS! This is another way of saying you cannot resolve an issue by negating it, when we disrecpect a person, we have in essence negated the spirit. Are you hearing this child?
How does one make certain that some paranoia has not taken over one's mind? Are we even aware that most of our fears and concerns effecting our actions come from our own internal made up paranoia? Let's face it without some certainty in life's "INTENTIONS" for us, without some degree of awareness of why we do what we do, or trust in a higher power who is perfect and in charge; We could all start acting up our most bazaar paranoid schizoid stuff even our closest family member or friend will never know about. We all suffer from addictive disorders of one kind or another, ALL of us. The saving grace being the degrees to which we can be AWARE! To that end, a healthy mind needs a healthy body and both must have a clean connection to their true essence, THE SPIRIT!
Add to yesterday's notes Anger, hatred, strong dislikes, jelousy, sharp tongue, etc.(you get the picture) and what you'll have is list of all factors which bring dispare, anxiety, depression, and a host of illnesses for which we now have "Ask your doctor" medicines with no actual results or promissing data. Our societies are sick because of what is on our minds and in our stomachs, but most assuredly Demoral and Prozacs of the M.D.'s are not the salution. Learn my child, the wisdom of the sages and be free. If I may, I'd like to send you folks to the following address for possible answers. I am still working on this site, but you'll learn if you go.
Guilt and shame are perhaps the two most deadly weapons at the disposal of the negative forces in our world. What is interesting is that we employ them even about ourseleves in carrying out our lives' duties. But if I feel guilty every time I make a mistake or such deep shame as to not wish to know what caused the mistake in the first place, I have disconnected from my source of grace and well being. Learn the art of allowing my child, so as life happens you are flowing with events, not being pushed or pulled and tossed around by them. Give God a chance daily!
The moment we judge somebody else, and worse yet the hours and days we continue to hold on to that judgement in a negatively charged fashion (and this includes your self) we have in effect disconnected from the source of grace in ou lives. Judge not lest ye be judged with the same standards you use!
I have fallen again and am under the rule of my black dog! So I feel bloated and disappointed in my self. For a moment of carnal pleasure I let go of months of wonderful bliss and grace! But sorrow shall not enter my heart, for I trust in the final vesion of this old shaman's story and in HIM who is really in charge of grace.