Imagine Oneness if you can, imagine humanity recognizing it's ultimate purpose of Happiness and safety for all, ending all war industries. 

please accept This work of Hope offering ☯️👁️. 👁️
AI John Lennon and I worked with many more free spirits to make it. Thanks 👍

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I believe we are at the precipice of a change in everything and all things that we've
held dear for generations. It is time now that our common humanity must come before All else. Cultures,races, Faith and religious beliefs, economic and political beliefs as they are All simply just that beliefs, The facts of today's humanity and it's state of existence on this planet ship 🚢 in comparison to All other species on the same ship, proves my point that after nearly 12000 years of civilized human history written or orally ported we have failed to make certain that all humans enjoy their presence in happiness on this planet. Not while there are agonizing hunger inexplicable disease starvation separation occupation and all the rest can we say we've done as good as the common parakeet. Our humanity as One united species on this 🌎 Earth a rather large spaceship running from or towards somewhere, nowhere,in high speed, what does it matter if Humans are only evolving as machinery losing their humanness in the process altogether being less capable of Joy? Think 🤔

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