Hello Children                 

so long since we talked! I miss you all without exception 😂😂
We have as a species come to a yet another fork in the road to Eternity. No more doubts left in most of the science of the Energies that Run our Lives.
The fork in the road seems to suggest that if we do not Unify all energies for the enhancement of all Living and "non-living?" matter < of all of our planet, we may perish altogether or at the very least go through a very long cleanse! Ouch 😏😏 for those who have gone through any physical internal cleanse, imagine the whole planet going through that to rid itself of the toxic material collected in its bowels for at least the last 300 years! that is one choice life has built in as the master code of its PLAN.

The other angle of the fork, leads to the majority of the human race awakening to a new paradigm of UNITY, much like our brother Einstein's dream of the "Unified Field " in physics. Realizing that our survival and any hope of our Mother Earth's not needing to go through a major cleanse, lies in our mutual respect and compassion for all things that make up our life! Having learned and know that all things are energy, and that energy never dies, just changes form until it is formless again or not😖 (this we don't even know!), It behooves us ALL, to start pushing for Unity of Thoughts, Words, And Actions directed to Enhancing of everything that is now not right with our existence. 

Should I count the ways? Ahhh, naaa, everyone of you reading this knows what is not working with our Humanity and our Geography or cosmological beliefs. with our sharing the abundant resources for the good of ONE HUMAN FAMILY! The main question seems to me to be, "what the fuck is wrong with the grown ups?" Our children have taken to the streets asking the grown ups in charge to please leave something of a living planet for them to work with, to not abandon or shirk our responsibility as adults! Wow, the "Children teach your parents well.." seems to have now bore fruit 5  decades later! 

Having spent nearly all my adult life seeking for just such an answer to our unifying field of love and harmony, or whatever name we may call our final solution, I have only been left more confused at the reluctance of so many to let go of bitterness and self righteousness. The history of our last ten thousand years or so must be enough for any thinking human, that our path of humanity was indeed side tract, and veered off  course not because of the dawn of the industrial revolution, but for the greed of the few who held its secrets and won modern wars with weapons of mass destruction. Same greed for power, different age!

Now then, isn't time to put the breaks on the Space exploring for an alternative place to live and the industrial corporate minded sciences and religions alike, and tend to our humanity which is suffering from every direction? Here in my humble opinion I say as I have for the past 3 decades: "Unless we learn unity from other species who share the planet without wars or greed, we are doomed" The fish and mammals of the Oceans, the birds of the skies all share the planet without having to ever need a government other than the forces which run their innermost selves. So it goes again that yet another human may come to be a force of nature enough to gather the masses and bring about a global change just as the opposite forces destroy the results of the work. We are left again with every single individual's input into the bowl of soup that is our shared humanity.

To that end, I have learned to be mindful of the forces that run my life. All start with thoughts and words that lead into actions. LET MY THOUGHTS THEN BE OF COMPASSION AND TRUTHFULNESS! Let the energies that run my mind never contemplate revenge or hatred, let the battery of my life's forces run on only energies that unite the haman family. Let "I" get out of the way of the everpresent force that runs the stars and breathes my breath and beats my heart and who coded for birds! 

When the bigger majority of us humans, learn and allow our core to run on mutual trust and helpfulness, seeing our ONEness, accepting and giving of and to one another, then this core much like any battery or energy producing matter, can only attract to itself according to the Electro-Magnetic-Field that is produced by the materials running the core! If the energies of our lives , from the foods we consume, to the thoughts we generate, and the words we utter, continue to be compassionately life enhancing, then and only then we may see the true potentials of our presence on this very unique spot in the cosmos! Short of that I'm afraid we're headed to a painful cleanse necessitated by our harmful actions and lazy inactions! 

Do please consider, moment to moment my child, what are the energies that run your core? Because you will attract the same and produce more of it!


Unknown said…
Wow! Such eternal wisdom. The very pride that would cause us to believe we can defy laws and cycles of nature... such as sowing and reaping... is the very belief that would destroy humanity. But, will we realize that we alone hold the power of choice? If we plant thistle seeds, we will reap thistles. If we plant apple seeds, we will reap the harvest of the apple fruit. So, let’s plant good seeds and reap a good harvest. Just as we humans sow, that shall we also reap. It’s a simple law of cause and effect. The choice is ours. What seeds will I plant today? What seeds, dear readers, will you sow today?

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