ONENESS (Letters from a reluctant Messiah)2

Hello again Earth Human✋

A friend was concerned about my tone in the last post. Why do you have to use profanity, why do you sound so mean? He said with a loving smile as he's known me for over 25 years and we're both kinda grumpy old farts well past caring what "others" think about us. But I knew what he meant, his thing about collecting flies better with honey was really a mutually enjoyed joke!

That time has long passed, I've been blogging for 19 years, long before most  knew what a blog was. I have been saying the same thing since I was about 9, and now, well now I'm just tired of trying to be careful with my words in my golden years. You won't see hatred in my eyes, but if you do its on you kid!

Now then, that being outta the way, I don't mean to be suggesting we've wasted any precious time, in fact just the opposite, I'm yelling at my human family to perhaps awaken the Deep within even if it means ending up alone at the end because I was "offensive"! Let's Not waste anymore time!

We have a few thousand years of "civilized" humanity, perhaps because we don't see ONENESS as the ultimate Purpose of LIFE (The scientist dream of a Unified Field), we're repeating the same dadgum history over and over and over and over! Any intelligent creatures(as we've evolved to be) one would think, would've figured out by now that dividing this small marble into little pieces and calling it "MY COUNTRY" or whatever the hell else you wish to call it, then proceeding to wage wars over that said little piece of this marble in the cosmos, and; not only that, then end up dumber and have wars over belief or the color of another people's skin! If I was an alien looking at this humanity (species on this planet) I'd have a hard time not getting pissed at their historical repeated dumb ass treatment of one another! (as an alien I can see this little planet is in a sealed environment, ok?)

All the Human Teachers along the passage of our common history, who seem to have access to some meaningful answers for how best to be a complete human seem to have quite a few basics in common for the pathway to such humanity. Why then don't we listen to them and find the simple Truth they all have in common? Not Sharing the Planet has never worked, that's our history!

For you dumber asses who think atheism is the answer, your puny ass pea brains CANNOT IMAGINE A UNIFIED FIELD OF ALL POWER AND CREATIVE ENERGIES(well no human really can)! so you go with no God!  God is just another word for Allah, the Great Spirit, and Khoda, and as many more as we wish to put here, that's all, a word! Your religion that fucked up your childhood or your environment too,no matter, They are more the reason why you think so little of THAT ORIGIN OF ALL LIFE! And yet you yap about what you believe no differently than the religious hard liners, as if because you believe it, it is so for everyone else! There IS ONE answer for all!

We must now even without belief in any ONE Source, still understand this clearly, WE CAN ENJOY THIS SMALL PLANET AS OUR HOME AND THE HOME OF MANY OF OUR GENERATIONS TO COME BY LEARNING HOW BEST TO CARE FOR IT AND SHARE IT AS ONE FAMILY, OR WE CONTINUE SUFFERING AND ULTIMATELY GO DOWN THE DINOSAUR'S ROUTE! It is not at all a strange thing for the Algorithm of the original Source Code, to have set limits of "existence" for any manifestation, if it continues to crash and fall into a  LOOP of destructive behavior. The Source Code then causes a new module to begin! Once there were no humans, other life forms existed.

 C'mon we're smart enough now, aren't we? don't we see that none of the old paradigms of separatist approaches have ever worked? Everything here in our home planet chooses Living, It is designed to regenerate, potentially never ending, Why the cry over too many people then? There's enough for all, for a long, long time, unless we the people allow the dumb asses in power to determine who gets what and how much of it!!

Oh children, specially those of you who understand the idea of an Algorithm, I want to tell you that once you see life in a way that makes it impossible for our world to work in any way except by Sharing all with Love. The work of the SOURCE CODER, what in computer programing is to have a Master code upon which endless other possible representations exist and can be added like modules working with and within the Source code, the Master Code. The ultimate goal of any Algorithm which controls the unified behavior of all added models, is to not allow deviations from the purpose of the program.

Imagine this God, I chose to use this for uniformity of the Image in our common consciousness that means "That Which Animates All Life Into Existence" OK?
Imagine please that such a Force Does have an algorithm running, all possibilities are OK within the Source Code which by the way is Open Source! But how the possibilities manifest and go out of  existence over millions of years is not a fucking easy thing to code for, you would think! What then is the dumb ass human to do who's not been told differently than he/she now believes? And what he believes just so happens to be the Auto coding going on with or without his consent! Meaning, we are all causing life as it is manifested to us, The Sum total of All Our Feelings into intentions and words, then become things we live with!

When you get to be my age, surrendering becomes easier, nothing to prove to no one, and having seen so much repeated stupid ass human history, You throw your hands up in the air and are glad its on the new mother fucking generation to figure this out now. I've done my time and ready for a good exit to the next form that the code within this human form shall take, all for ONE-NESS!
Jupiters Gas clouds



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