
Showing posts from 2018

Sounds of Love 1

Sala'm(peace) children;                     When we "hear things" in our heads, or run through a thought or an idea usually, we ca discern a voice like quality to this inner conversation right? I mean when you are telling your self or thinking to your self about anything, do you not hear and use word made up of letters and hear them pronounced and uttered? Would you say my wonderful wanderers that there is definitely a quality to this inner conversation that can even sound loud at times? HOW DOES ONE KNOW WHO'S VOICE IT IS ONE IS HEARING IN FORM OF THOUGHTS? HOW DOES ONE KNOW IF IT IS THE "VOICE OF GOD" THAT SOURCE OF ALL ENERGIES FLOWING, HOW DOES ONE KNOW HOW ONE IS CONNECTED TO THAT? OR IF THE VOICES WE HEAR ARE JUST OUR OWN MIND BLABBERING (WHICH IT IS , ALMOST ALL OF THE TIME)? Imagine my love the tender juicy taste of Watermelon!!!!!!! Is this a form of communicating a taste, an idea of a sensa...

The Reluctant Messiah 2

We can try to stay incognito, not give away the true identity and walk on the outskirts of every town we go to. But, Big BuTT, Who is hidden, what is apparent?  The wheels turn everywhere I look, circles within circles within yet more, and only ONE source code!!!  ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY

When You Become The Rain

When you  become rain, don’t ask who’s house it is The roof of the shrine and the mosque and the tavern are one When you become rain, don’t count the vessels Glass or the bowl and the cup are one                                                                                                                        Oh Rain! You come from God! Expla...