
Showing posts from October, 2017

I AM That, I AM

"life, Everything is energy and that's all there's to it. Match the Frequency of The Reality YOU want, and You cannot help but get that Reality,( whether you're aware of it or not) It can be no other way, this is not philosophy, IT IS Physics"  let's just say like anything else in life worth while, we do need to accept the work it takes to be at least semi-aware of our being here as spirits(particles of energy if you will). It takes work to undo years, decades of conditioning by so many outside factors, beginning with our parents or wherever we spent the first 5-6 years of our lives, to and throughout every stage of us awakening to a new "I AM".  To be free of the yokes of religions, cultures, heritage, and all that bind us to mediocrity and complacency is hard work! Think So if so many beings like ourselves in our humanity's past, said we did this,that, and the other with good results, And, the results were verifiable by experi...