
Showing posts from April, 2015


EARTH DAY:ELDERS FART GET USED TO IT(you'll be farting soon enough)! Maybe not the best way to get a friendly start, but true non-the less! We the “baby boomers” are getting closer and closer to realizing that we are the ONES we have been waiting for, while at the same time having to accept that becoming grumpy grandpas (or Grumpas) ain't the way forward either! Nor would any amount of complaining bring the kids around. By golly I tell you I've lived long enough to know better and still can't figure this one out. Why is it that every generation has to cut a new path to living life and being human? Bleeding, yelling, music, art,whatcha got..  every generation seems to say “let me hit my head against that rock, bleed and learn for myself, but don't tell me I'm doing it wrong” Simply put, we learn from history that we don't learn from history, is that it? Are we done now? Can I be wordy without loosing the reader, the listener or the critic?...