Salaam(peace) children;
There has been new materials on self realization and pathways to higher consciousness about. Some give it away (as it aught to be) and some are just peddlers in guru clothings. Please remember again, that if you have to pay for your higher self's presence or understanding, if you have to pay to be awakened to your higher self, then the path is not and will not be the right path for you. The universal GIVER never has nor ever can charge for its SERVICES!

There is only ONE GIVER my children, whatever comes your way, some times horribly painful and some times pleasant and p0werfully sweet to the soul within. No matter what comes, it is only from the ONE GIVER! Your job is to learn to ACCEPT the gift of life and be present daily, do your tasks whatever they maybe, and TRUST THAT A GOOD ENDING IS SURE TO COME. Trusting that whatever is on your plate of life now, is precisely what you needed(your brain may say differently) to go the next leg on your journey.

To expect
only"All happy, fun, pleasant" experiences is as foolish as expecting the storms not to ever come on the planet, to always have pleasant spring like weather! When we learn to ACCEPT what is, as a gift from the GIVER OF GIFTS my beautiful ones, we can then begin to grow and 'MATURE" in the real sense of the word. It is not a doing thing, it is a BEING! In fact if you look closer to our world today, it is in so much "do do" because of all who thought they can "do" for it and save its environment and be politically active and blah blah blah!

The world (this life) has much more up its sleeves than any human could ever muster even after they try and lean what has gone wrong. Not realizing that it is indeed "us" who have not played ball by the rules, that we are the broken ones and not the world, is indeed the saddest human tragedy of all times. Yes people art being killed, there is pollution up the yin/yang, and famine and hate mongering is rampant. But if you think my love, that you can "FIX" these things by outward motions and actions, you too will become part of what is wrong with our ways.

We must learn to "ALLOW" the wisdom of GOD back into our lives, trust the design and show up daily saying "HERE i AM LOVE, HOW CAN I HELP?". Realizing that we are at once Divine and Mere air breathing Humans! Lo and behold you'll be shown ways of being, acting, doing that have nothing to do with you, but a flow of energy, an active, wise force, which also makes milk and brings rains to dry lands.



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