
Showing posts from January, 2007


We have come a long way in scientifically proving what the masters and teachers of time have been saying for many centuries. The new term is "ENTANGLEMENT" which, stands for no matter how separate we think we are, in reality there is only one living entity ! Imagine again my child, ONE LIVING ENTITY! No matter what I say outwardly, no matter how I think I have "hid" the actual truth in any matter, no matter how I think, the effects are as it is in my deepest of intentions all over the world. As plain as the nose on my face! The experiments(on-going) at Princeton University have put a new face on how even an inanimate object such as a "Random number generator" can be affected by what the humans collectively think/intently produce in the sphere we call the Firmament/ Earth's atmosphere/ the box we live in within the bigger one called the Milky way! One hateful thought only produces another. So my love, once again YOU MUST BE THAT WHICH YOU WISH TO PRODU...


If all there was, was water,H-H-O-H2O. Assume human to be one Hydrogen unit, let the other H be for all other life forms, let the O(xygen) be for the whole of the universe as we know it. Deeper still at sub-molecular level, let each force and particle which hold and govern the molecular structure be the invisible world(and it is a world unto itself I assure you!) We are still looking for GOD! Or at least a glimpse at our origin. But there is more yet of the Invisible matter (the Dark Matter), both in the invisible world and the visible which, is very nearly impossible to measure. We don't yet know what it is(it has no mass, no color), but we can say with certainty that there is an invisible matter even inside a vacuum(NO SUCH THING AS AN EMPTY SPACE)! Dark Matter permeates, holds together, all matter and non-matter in the universe. Let this Invisible Matter be GOD's intent which holds together the very fabric/string of life within and without. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Intended here, ...


How easy it is to go insane, to lose the last straw holding a man's life worth to a GPS point! In that instant of the beloved unveiling a thread to weave the lover and the beloved into one. How easy it is to go plum nuts! What holds this old one's body intact even now is as illusive as the surname "shaman". He shakes in tears, for the body cannot hold the PRESENCE! All is vanity even as GRACE resides. Look my beloved, the dance of the threads of your intent draws the petals on the Lotus! How easy it is go mad! ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


SALA'M(peace) children; May this find you my love, in a state of flowing acceptance. A graceful time! We all have a preconceived notion that the choices we make(are making, have made, will make) are indeed "conscious" choices. This belief my beloved has at its core a misconcept or assumption that we know what making a conscious choice is. What is this consciousness about which we speak? Is there an "observer" linked to this consciousness? What does it mean, to be conscious at the level of our desired state for optimum advantage of our time spent here on the small planet Earth? What does it mean when I consciously choose to think, say, and act in a given way? Does it mean that I am conscious of my essence, what I am made of? Or does it mean that I am able to take into consideration the reverberating results of my thoughts, word, and actions? How often can I truly say that I acted consiously rather than reacted habitually? Looking at our world and the human condit...
SALA'M(PEACE) children! A new day, A new year, a new toy, is anything really new? Have we the eyes and the ears to see and hear ANEW? If I still have the same colored glass eye piece, will I see a new year because the date on my calendar changed? Until the old self dies, the new self is not born (even then the poor thing has to grow up in a naturally hostile environment!) A tree grows visibly every year, and it gains a new ring physically. The nature of the tree however is to give oxygen and clean the air among other things. The NATURE of the tree remains exact, but it is not the same tree as it was a year ago. So to find a constant in his/her life, it is necessary to maintain consistency in intention and purpose of its TRUE NATURE. A tree will never start a forest fire. The nature of the scorpion is to sting when disturbed or stepped on, but a scorpion will never attack a human! It will never kill another scorpion in vengeance. THE NATURE OF MAN IS NOT PHYSICAL! To find my true n...