SALA'M(peace) children;
May this find you my love, in a state of flowing acceptance. A graceful time!

We all have a preconceived notion that the choices we make(are making, have made, will make) are indeed "conscious" choices. This belief my beloved has at its core a misconcept or assumption that we know what making a conscious choice is. What is this consciousness about which we speak? Is there an "observer" linked to this consciousness?

What does it mean, to be conscious at the level of our desired state for optimum advantage of our time spent here on the small planet Earth? What does it mean when I consciously choose to think, say, and act in a given way? Does it mean that I am conscious of my essence, what I am made of? Or does it mean that I am able to take into consideration the reverberating results of my thoughts, word, and actions? How often can I truly say that I acted consiously rather than reacted habitually?

Looking at our world and the human conditions it seems hard to conceive of a species making "conscious choices" to bring about the current results! Is WAR a conscious choice? Is poverty? How about use of substances that alter our very states of awareness? The elders say we had a ceremony, young ones say we see a way of getting high and release of pressures. So using "it" daily is OK? How is that working for you? How conscious is the one using prescribed harmful drugs? How aware is anyone of the instant reverberations of his/her thoughts, words, actions? Does the Bee know the true state of a flower?

Take for example our "conscious" choice in allowing an event, a person, or a thing to become a source of agitation and anxiety. It is like allowing Flys to become so much of a "bother" that we feel hopeless in removing our "conscious" self from the effects. Do we choose to be upset? Do we make a conscious choice to eat, drink, partake in stuff that clearly bring undesirable results? Who then is it that made the "conscious choice" to gorge on that tub of ice cream? As the result of which "we" are suffering a sugar imbalance! Who did the act to which I now say "Oh shit! I wish I hadn't done that" Conscious is as conscious does, in reality my lovely ones, NO ONE IS CONSCIOUS, NOT A SIGN LE ONE! I
instead We have(those who actively seek this life's SOURCE) glimpses of, moments of some level of consciousness which means we get a hint that "This ain't it, what I am and everyone else is busy with, IS NOT CONSCIOUSNESS" and then promptly we are pulled back into the MAYA(the Illusions of real).

How much is the image in a mirror conscious of its Source? Even if the mirror was to be a living organism like a calm lake surface! How consciously aware is that image of me looking right at it? We are images my children of THE SOURCE and cannot be in the "know" for long, because a cup only holds a cup of that ocean, and THE OCEAN has no issues with the cup trying in vain to take it all one cup at a time! It is a beautiful dance!

We can approach this from a biological/physical angle and perhaps get a better view, what'ya say? OK then! Our brain(this is where we assume we have consciousness or awareness) processes some 400 billion bits of data per second. We are "aware" of maybe about 20 to 30 thousand of that, most of which, pertain to matters like our body temperature(I am aware of being cold or hot), geographical location, some pressing life daily issues that need our attention and so on. What about the rest? How can I say I am "consciously aware" of my being and all that it entails having this knowledge? Who can? when indeed what we call action is in reality a reaction bounded by myriads of old stored stuff in our psyche, wrapped in the light of firing neurons connected to millions of other data ranging from odors, textures, feelings, visions, and more. All relative to what seems to be today at this moment!! DID I DO THAT???!!!

So, not to get you children all hopeless about who and what you are then, let me add to these sentences one dreamful state of mind. If we show up, clean up our connecting links to THE SOURCE OF LIFE (whatever you believe it to be), I can guarantee that conscious moments will be showing up more often my beautiful ones. As we aspire to be more like our "higher self" who is pure cosciousness, we will manifest more AWARE MOMENTS for all!



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