The best part of growing up is learning all the new things along the way; Discovering at each turn of a few seasons that we are not who we thought we were just a few months back.
Showing posts from April, 2004
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It is through acceptance of factual evidence that geeky science guys like me become certain of what we say. Newton could not in his right mind say the Earth was flat ever again, Max Plank could not deny the existence of "an intelligent mind" behind all that he worked with in nuclear physics. I cannot deny today after what has been shown to me through experimentations, that when I LET GO AND LET GOD, ALL IS WELL AND PERFECT.
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In about 19 days I will be in Iran, God willing I shall be in a most receptive and peaceful disposition and ready to have this peace infect every one around me. I have heard news of family quarols and disharmony, I will be the face of calm and reason for the sake of peace and harmony for all. It is as simple as daily bread.
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There are decisions we seem to know at one level of our conciosness to be already made. Yet we analyze and overthink every other possibility just in case. Am I afraid of death or dying? Is this why I am delaying this flight back home? No! I know I have no fears at all in fact, but the hasstle of getting ready for a long journey overseas is what is really stopping me from packing. It is a done deal as far as the universe is concerned, I should go along with the plan and start packing. Help me Lord, for I am weak and lazy.
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I will practice the art of HONESTY in words and action every day in earnest. I will not bend the truth to make a prfit or gain any points! I will refrain from speaking if the truth which I am asked to reveal may harm another unnecessarily. I will with God's help remain true to my own self above all.
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I have no idea what tomorrow holds, nor do I have such attachment to the stuff of tomorrow to care. I have some wants and desires which I prefer to see happen in the near future (and am taking the steps to make them happen) but if they do not matrialize I will not be saddened beyond hope, and if they do, I will not show such elation as to loose sight of the moment. The moral of the story? BE, HERE, NOW! leave tomorrow for tomorrow.
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One by one the obsticles disapear, and the journey home seems easier to bear and nearer at hand. I battle the beast within daily just the same, but I no longer feel alone in the fight. When my black dog (the beast within) wins the day it does not keep the reigns longer than a day or two and all thanks to God for keeping me connected to his source of well being and wisdom. For I am a better man than I was 6 months ago or a year ago, and that, is all I need to know for certain. I am a better man than I have been.
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We must get in the habit of thinking of the temporary nature of our lives in this world if we are to ever get it right about our puropose for being here. Get a jacket with pockets torn out and hang it on our doorway maybe, to remember that the last jacket we wear won't need any pockets because we're not taking any thing with us!
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When contemplating the origins of our universe, think String theory! It really does explain down to the very quantem way of life's amazing exchanges of energy and matter. It too cannot however, explain or even fathom the essence of God! Know this my child, God the creator who is Omnipresent is indeed beyond words or explanations.
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When this Jesus of Nazareth looked up to the sky and said "why this my God" and then "OK father, I will drink this bitter cup as you will it" was he talking to himself? Is his will the same as the father's will? I say this to you my child above all, though God the creator has many facets by which he reveals himself to the universe, and all images we behold are facets of his being, NONE can equal to God! We can speculate, talk, argue but no one has ever seen or "KNOWS" the Creator; Though he is as close as the veins on our necks. We look at the picture of his being and assume it is HIM!
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Today of all days my child, let the LOVE and Grace of Christ enter your heart. Rmember him as he was, a man who walked amongst us, suffered pain and still to the very end, remained compassionate to the very people driving the nails into his bleeding hands. A real flesh and blood being just like you and me. And he said himself: "you too can do what I do, and perform these miracles and more".
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It is more difficult getting out of a spiraling feud mixed with all its negativity than it is to breathe deep just at that moment where it all starts by our words or actions. Knowing full well that, we indeed may have had more to do with the escalation of the matters than perhaps we are willing to admit even to ourselves. Our current administrations dilemma in Iraq is a perfect example of how peaceful means were not followed and a quiet meditative mind was not at the helm when warring decisions were being made. Nor is the chief admitting any wrong doing whatsoever! Quiet your mind my child and be an instrument of peace and grace of God.
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Remember my child (this I say at least once a month); When we connect daily to our source of energy, the source from which all things emanated from, WE WILL HAVE ALL WE NEED! The right people will show up just at the right times, our brain works better in dealing with our daily life's stresses and challenges and most every thing makes perfect sense; Even the horror of a war torn world. Because we are not judging acceptance becomes easier. It is the certainty of knowing who is in charge that makes it all so much easier. LET GO AND LET GOD!
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Murphy's law is perhaps closer to the fundamentals of Quantem physics than he realized it himself. We must expect the unexpected and have a preparedness to maintain a level of confidance to go through and deal with all of the events of our lives. A flat tire at any given time requires an action which is simply to replace it, any other emotion we attach to this task is harmful.
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Every time we allow negativity to take hold in our hearts and minds, dwelling on something that happened days ago, we have in a very real way caused our body's cells to age and deteriorate. The opposite is just as true, when we learn to let go and not hold on to negative emotions and put in their place thoughts of forgiveness and acceptance, we have in a real way caused our body to heal.
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Today's date can only happen once. What significance would you put upon such a phenomenon like Haley's comet or this date? Your intended energy would indeed make the difference in how any day turns out. I choose to think of these once in a great while time periods as a great occasion to use the energies of the world to my favor. Mars, Venus, and Saturn too happen to be in a straight line today, and the moon is full! Now if all these are just mere coincidences then I am the fool for believing in the greatness of this day. My Lord, I know you will free me today of all my bad habits because I choose to pull on the special energies of this day. I will do all the right things for my life and advance in all matters of my spiritual, physical and mental life.
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Yesterday's piece is also a verse in the Quran (Muslim's holy book) and also associated with Lao Tzu of the Tao way of life. Amazingly enough the modern man has for the most part proved to be just as dense and ignorant as his ancestors. Still doubting the wisdom of the sages, still suffering daily, still blaming others for his problems and denying the obvious. As for me, I shall serve only one God, from whom all worlds and all things emenated.
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We have a partner in our lives whose sole mission is to grant us whatever we desire. The only trick is we must first come to accept and believe his/her REAL being. I like to quote St. Francis of Assisi here: "if you knew who walked beside you in this path which YOU have chosen, you would worry no more nor ever fear again." Yes indeed my child, once you know you worry no more!
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Most tasks which seem so overwhelmingly HUGE! are only so until we roll up our sleeves and just go through the motions. The trick is to find solice and grace in doing whatever one is doing through meditative, repitious, chuging along sort of way, accepting!Cleaning garges and our finances seem to two tasks we all dread, but done in the fashion just offered you, they too are just stuff in passing. All things in time must come to pass by the nature of life.