
Showing posts from August, 2003
All is well that ends well! and this too my child the story of another year in conflicts and human strugle will be written in The Book of Life! Let your heart be gladened in the anticipaion of God's promissed paradise where there is only peace, unity and wellness for all.
Now hear this! If your own personal intentetions are honorable, and you have constant good will in your heart towards all santient beings (like as in you don't just crush an ant without a second thought), then you have nothing to worry about when it comes to the state of mankind or womankind on this planet. Whether the world ends tomorrow or 100 years from now, you will have a good death and rebirth! Oh yes, you will take whatever you have here with you when you leave, its just too bad it is not your T.V.!!
What is the combined effect of six billion humans on the living systems of the planet Earth? asks Dr. David Suzuki of Canada,an environmental scientist ( The Scared Ballance book and documantary ). If we are made up of the very elements from this Earth, and we are indeed by all accounts agreed upon depleting and polluting these elements; What is then to become of the next generation of humans who will find less resources and clean air or water to have and sustain their lives? Are we leaving the planet in worse shape than we found it, for our children's children? and if so, how much more can indeed be taken from the very makeup of the planet before it is no longer capable of sustaining all the lives of all the humans? Does anyone have a plan to stop the madd conusming ways of us now generation? Does any body care? Not with this Bush man in this White House! Not with the Far East's appetite just warming up to the Western standards! Not with the greed of this corporate based world...
Many times a day I stand before God asking to be a better servant, many times a day I hear the same answer coming back softly spoken "master your desires son and you have served us well". Or "come before your God with need and you shall leave satisfied". Behold! I am loved.
How best to say "I love you" to anyone is not an easy subject to put into words. But hear this from me my child, when you are the best human that you can be, serene and peaceful, taking time to gather knowledge and wisdom of the sages, you have already said "I LOVE YOU!" to all the people in your life.
We have a saying in the Eastern part of the world that denotes a person having fallen into the pot of the Oatmeal for his eagerness to taste the stuff or satisfy his hunger in a hurry or greedily! In our daily activities we do come across such a good deal (or so we think) that we fall ass backwards into all kinds of trouble trying to get it all and make sure we do not lose out on any goodies. In short don't let greed determine your needs.
In Quantum physics the very act of measuring something will cause misreading of its qualities. I tell you my deer ones, it is all quantum relations in regards to measurements. Judge not lest you be judged, is a quantum formula which says, the energy you create by putting measurements on others will be used to measure your own actions, as a matter of law of the universe whether you understand it or not, IT IS SO!
For those of us who thought going to this stpied "Occupation" business and "nation building" was totally against the true American ways, today is a specially sad day! Not only are our combat troops at harms way daily, but now even the peace keeping U.N. folks cannot do their job and are being bombed because the desparate elements in Iraq only see foriengers invading their homes and culture without just cause. Mr. Bush, bring down this wall of arrogance and greed, You are the creator of the terrorists!
Here is an excellant quoate, "..and for humans there is no gains except that for which they have toiled for and endured" put this in your pipes and smoke it kids! Nothing worth while is ever easy to obtain.
We need to unlearn so much about our true identity and place in the universe, habitual being as we are, our time seems to be passed going from the performance of one habit to another as unconscious as a rock! Change one habit and watch the degree to which you become AWARE and AWAKENED
From the veiled, covered women in the Muslim world to the nearly naked women in the west, one extreme to another while both insist that their particular way is "right". What is it about moderation that seems to scape humans? I bet God is having a heck of time being patient with us kids!
Now hear this! With God there is no fear, no paranoia, no lasting sorrow or depression. Hear me child, for all these negative "feelings" arise where there is no serenity within, and that can ONLY be had through God.
Are we nearing the end of human existance, or this generations' time on Earth? We know there were many others before us, cities, big palaces, species of varied looks and feel, yet there is no sign of them having any thing to do with where we are today! I have read in the holy books that if he so chose, God could easily replace this genration of humans with another or replace the entire life form upon this planet with another different one entirely, that is no big task for one who created all from nothing. How silly it seems knowing these facts and still going on about the greedy, power hungry, heedless ways that we are! Indeed for most the awakening will not come, untill it is too late! The end is coming that is a certainty, but how many are ready to meet their end? what if it was next Saturday at noon?
Once upon a time there was another empire with grand ideas of omnipotency whos ruins are a perfect sign of how no power on Earth is permanant, no king or kingdom shall stand to the forces of time and fate! Alexander the great requested to be burried with his hands out of the coffin palms up, to show the next generations that he too left empty handed
Just how far can one go before it is the point from which there is not return? Is there such a point in our lives indeed? Well; One might say a spilled jar of milk is one point with no return! A murder commited is a point from which there is no return! But how about words and other actions? I suppose if there are others involve, then it depends on them as well, how forgiving and gracious are they in helping us return from whence we fell short of their grace and love or friendship? Now imagine this, with God there is no such a point, if humans but understood the "repent and sin no more" phrase. But just how many of us are truely capable of "sinning no more!"? Still I say my child it is in the trial and tribulations that human and God become one through the intent of the human and grace of God.
So we go looking for Love in all the wrong places, and while there we also look for serenity and harmony (all of which are facets of true love) and we have come back empty handed every single time. Money, fame, pleasures of this world, and power are not where Love is kept or nourieshed, when we understand this as a whole, humanity just might have a shot at world peace. Alas, as my teacher would say, I don't see it happening soon.
On a hot afternoon yesterday, almost all of the NE quarter of the U.S. had a total black out, nearly half still do not have power today, NY city and all its hustle and bustle came to a dead stop, subways, trains, elevators, and city lights, amazing how dependant we are on this Electricity! Toronto too was affected the same way. For the most part the Electrical Grid which all of NE United States and SE Canda operate on (the Niagra Grid) is an old one which had a similar problem in 1977, did we learn then? gues not!
How simple a task is it to be the first to say "Hello"? Yet look my child at all the times you could have been the one to peacefully greet the ones near you who at times were most dear to you as well! Cool is being humble enough to initiate salutations with peaceful words to spread the peaceful ways to stop the warful ways to not be strangers from the family!
Love is so abused it is thinking of relocating! God said let there be Love and compassion amongst all living things, He must have been drunk!
I have been fighting a virus on my computer for the past two days, a malacious code which disabled my internet connection, at every attempt to clean this mess I kept thinking of what would cause a mind to go to the dark side and cause others suffering through actions from which they themselves would not profit at atll? Such wonderful brains doing harmful acts just for kicks! Well; we live with the bad and the good as parts of a whole. The balance is kept in every thing by the forces of the universe.
"Fate shuffles the cards and we play" must choose game carefully, must choose game carefully! but I will be bold and fearless as the cards are delt moment to moment, hour by hour, day to day, week to months and years. I have FAITH in the fairness of the dealer not the cards!
Once all the population of the world's known societies had gods and idols. One man inspired by the holy spirit stood up to the world and procalimed that there is only one God, his name; Abraham(Ebraaheem). Even to his own father he said "I will not worship your statues, now you may come to believe in the one God or burn me at the stakes" bless Abraham!
A true friend I have not found under these skies, and family too have forsaken me whilst busy with their own lives; Now I sit an old man happy with my own things and ways, content with what life has offered me, yet the solitude and quietness of these days I am afraid are about to change!
In the old world culture (when things were simpler) it was widly an accepted fact that without some daily connection to the source of life (ie God) one would not have inner peace. This inner peace then was perceived and accepted again to have most detrimental effects on the outer peace with all others from animals to the Earth and people. So simple
Italians have a saying which goes something like this "When the game is over, the king and the pawn lie in the same box" When it is all said and done in the real world too, all lay the same in the box that is our graves.
What the human race seems to forget a lot is the cumulative history of its species. There is only rubbles and empty halls left of the vast empires of the past, no glory left, no Roman fighting the Persians, just empty memories of how powerful they once were. Fast forward to the Big Brother today, the Macho U.S. of A. no where near as big or poweful as those gone by empires, but the history is repeating itself yet again; When will we ever learn? No empire founded on forceful means ever lasted in time. NONE! And only the inocent get the short end of this deal every time.
It is a sad day when sisters and brothers, mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, no longer wish to have anything to do with each other. It is indeed the end of our humanity when even in the family so bonded and tied by the blood of generations and all the common needs and history, cannot find a way to say "we may differ on issues of how to raise our kids or what religion to follow, but let us no break up the family bonds" what is next? yes my child you guessed it, THE FAMILY OF ADAM is next, as it was told long ago, the human race will come to be so disarrayed that even the ties of common decency and family will not hold. We are indeed so predictable and well on our way to an all out destruction and inahilation. Se La Vi my love.
What happens to our directions one mile north of the North Pole? Is God a merciful and patient God or a revengeful, jealous, and punishing daily kind? Was there indeed a pair of every living thing on Noah's ark? I say onto you my children, all these matter not to living a life which is filled with bliss and has blissful effects on all who come in contact with it. Lead you life and daily activities as if the fruit of every action was to come back and resonate within the walls of your home, as if every word you utter is heard by the whole of the universe, and every thought is on display on every marquee, nay the sky itself for all to read and see! And care not whether the egg was first or the chicken, enjoy the meal instead. Bless God.