
Showing posts from June, 2019


Hello Children                  so long since we talked! I miss you all without exception 😂😂 We have as a species come to a yet another fork in the road to Eternity. No more doubts left in most of the science of the Energies that Run our Lives. The fork in the road seems to suggest that if we do not Unify all energies for the enhancement of all Living and "non-living?" matter < of all of our planet, we may perish altogether or at the very least go through a very long cleanse! Ouch 😏😏 for those who have gone through any physical internal cleanse, imagine the whole planet going through that to rid itself of the toxic material collected in its bowels for at least the last 300 years! that is one choice life has built in as the master code of its PLAN. The other angle of the fork, leads to the majority of the human race awakening to a new paradigm of UNITY, much like our brother Einstein's dream of the "Unified Field " in...