
Showing posts from 2016


CONSTANTS DO NOT CHANGE; Or do they? There was a time I would've answered this infallibly so, No, constants don't change! Not so today, after nearly 65 years on Earth I don't feel sure of anything any more. My cat was a singular constant in my daily life, and my garden too, the cat is gone and a change is forced upon me while I witness my garden suffer. Consider the cat and the garden parable stuff of life, then find your own constant that changed forcing you to accept or reject the results, work with it or moan and complain about how unfair life was to do that to you! Who cares! Change is the only Constant in life, that seems to fit more easily to our actual life experiences in the long run. How we adapt to each change as they come about seem to change as well. Must I accept the awesome responsibility of being A constant in someone else's life? Is that a noble task of selfless service to the Family of Man? Because let's be clear, a disciplined path o...

Hafiz Love (2) At This Party

At This Paty I dont want to be the only one here Telling all the secrets- Filling up all the bowls at this party, Taking all the laughs. I would like you To start putting things on the table That can also feed the soul The way I do. That way we can invite A heck of a lot more Friends. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why all this talk of the Beloved' Music and dancing? And, Liquid ruby-light we can lift in a cup? Because it is low tide' A very low tide in this age And around most hearts' we are exquisite coral reefs' Dying when exPosed to strange Elements' God is the Wine-ocean we crave- we miss Flowing in and out of our Pores. "Hafiz" ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


Today The Source Code of Life winked at me again.  Gardening close to an ant mound(Arizona Red Ants), one got up my pant legs, travelled far enough and 15 minutes after I had come inside the house, I got the dreaded sever bite of the ant. Realizing this much pain is only caused by just such a critter, I calmly went to the bathroom, took the pants off, saw the ant just walking along the belt area, walk it outside let it free, and said goodbye! 5 minutes later, as I was sitting down to do some paperwork, another one started crawling into my long hair behind my neck, before it had a chance to sting me I reached back, took it down and pressing hard crushed its body and I said goodbye to it. The first Ant though creating a painful experience for me received freedom to live another day, the second one however, having done no harm being related to an experience, received the death sentence! What do you suppose the local news in the Ants kingdom will read tomor...

ONENESS visible in motion

Perchance to sleep Perhaps a dream sitting on the outside looking in sit by life flow watch the river go, to THE OCEAN om OM  in my dreams you all look like particles of light dancing around in painful glow why,? you don't know perchance we'll meet in the flesh form perhaps we will kiss maybe share a dream even we fit so well in my dreams, its all good we are always ONE!  single amoebic conscious bits of THE SOURCE. All together, The Cosmos bits and us making up the form of the Formless. All ONE! ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY