
Showing posts from April, 2013

Mumblings 3

We've paid our dues   learned to tie our shoes a long time ago.. We learned to let go of precious and dear ones as easily it seems as waking up to a new world and saying OK, no problem! All we really have are assumptions, rooted in our stories of who done it of war heroes and glories stories, told to us by our 4fathers They seem more like, guidelines drawn on the sands of time  always shifting side to side to side wobbly and off centered We are indeed only so smart  not enough however, as to say yea or nay to all that is passed on from the elders of the tribe in our common humanity's time here It is so good to know for certain as we do about the rivers always going towards the seas brother!   ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


salaam (peace) children;                                    There is  a song on my mind tonight that tells the children to teach their parents well and the parents to teach the children well. There is a song on my heart too tonight, it talks about the deep anguish of a reluctant modern messiah, a self proclaimed manifestation of THE WITNESS! When will the children come home again? I fear I shall see my golden years amidst the age of arrogance, ignorance, darkness and fears unfounded! Seems hard enough to be an alien, but to be so amongst the human race gone into a tail spin of lust and cravings galore  leaves me so cold with not a tear to shed! My garden and I shall be waiting for every spring with eagerness of the dead looking Mesquites who know exactly when to bloom to avoid any last winter fros...