Cannot remember when it was when this man had anything to say to any who cared! On his mind is: (it does not matter what we call it, at the bottom of it all, LIFE'S ORIGIN IS ONE.......) "an alien comes to the planet Earth, takes him no time to realize the "species" occupying the planet seem to be at war all over the globe,disunity everywhere, and the planet itself suffering IMMENSE SIGNS OF ABUSE AND NEGLECT, BUT QUITE READY FOR REJUVENATION AS WELL!" What is the sense in having any other conversation between nations? If the alien did come how do we suppose to get along if we have not done so here, amongst ourselves all ONE HUMAN FORM, ALL ON ONE PLANET? "All talking heads, all the media, all the teachers, the masters, the gurus, all the leaders of the world, THERE IS NO OTHER CONVERSATION WORTH HAVING"! "isn't time? really; Isn't it time we saw our ONENESS ? However long we've been here, whoever has the right religion, whic...