
Showing posts from 2013

WHO IS BUDDHA (why are you looking for a question mark?)

salaam (peace) children; A fast is on and the man is all engrossed without a care..A cleansing fast, a long time coming fast (late actually to be honest), a much needed one for clarity of the mind as well as the body. Reminds me of all the Muslims in the world who are supposed to be observing the holy month of Ramadan, not all do of course like any other tradition, some practice, some just believe! If I were to be mindfully stating anything right this minute, I have to first accept that for far too long the man has been off balance. Seemingly at odds with almost all who are as close as family and in agony over his own shortcomings. There is no growth without pain and suffering. First Buddha truth!  I am a natural man, all immersed in my nature as a tree is or a scorpion would be. I live this life aware enough to know that miracles are all around, apples fall when ready, and that, all will come to live life in total surrender to THE FORCE FROM WHICH ALL  EMANATE...


SALAM (PEACE) CHILDREN; Even the most  rigorously tested and contested  IDEAS about life,  in all manners of measurements humans use; is only a mere shadow of  a force in motion which cannot and has not been identified, perhaps maybe only glimpsed at its nature by a handful! I look in the mirror, my light is as bright but that reflection of my light is only a shadow of light, not my light! We assume that we,( us the human ones), are "doing" stuff" and making things happen! It is like the monkey assuming he runs the fortune telling machine his master controls! There is no "doing" children, for the flow of this life force which moves all matter , much like a river, knows the way to the ocean where all flowing rivers are going....                                                           spirit rover, Earth from Mars...

Mumblings 3

We've paid our dues   learned to tie our shoes a long time ago.. We learned to let go of precious and dear ones as easily it seems as waking up to a new world and saying OK, no problem! All we really have are assumptions, rooted in our stories of who done it of war heroes and glories stories, told to us by our 4fathers They seem more like, guidelines drawn on the sands of time  always shifting side to side to side wobbly and off centered We are indeed only so smart  not enough however, as to say yea or nay to all that is passed on from the elders of the tribe in our common humanity's time here It is so good to know for certain as we do about the rivers always going towards the seas brother!   ONLY GOD ALWAYS GOD ALL GOD ALONE GOD ONLY


salaam (peace) children;                                    There is  a song on my mind tonight that tells the children to teach their parents well and the parents to teach the children well. There is a song on my heart too tonight, it talks about the deep anguish of a reluctant modern messiah, a self proclaimed manifestation of THE WITNESS! When will the children come home again? I fear I shall see my golden years amidst the age of arrogance, ignorance, darkness and fears unfounded! Seems hard enough to be an alien, but to be so amongst the human race gone into a tail spin of lust and cravings galore  leaves me so cold with not a tear to shed! My garden and I shall be waiting for every spring with eagerness of the dead looking Mesquites who know exactly when to bloom to avoid any last winter fros...


My friend Hafiz woke me up after Brother Rumi told me "Be Silent, listen..You are not God's mouth piece, Try to be an Ear"... I still had to put down the Mumblings of this man too. If every soldier for only one day, said, "I will not bear arms in behalf of this man's army, If only for one day, all tanks and war mongering generals would be silent, If for only one day we all saw ourselves as one FAMILY LEARNING HOW TO GET ALONG IN OUR HOME, If only for one day we would all see how precious we are in a handful of GOD....." ln a Handful of Cod Poetry reveals that there is no empty space. When your truth forsakes its shyness, When your fears surrender to your strengths, You will begin to experience That all existence                                                                      ...


Cannot remember when it was when this man had anything to say to any who cared! On his mind is: (it does not matter what we call it, at the bottom of it all, LIFE'S ORIGIN IS ONE.......)  "an alien comes to the planet Earth, takes him no time to realize the "species" occupying the planet seem to be at war all over the globe,disunity everywhere, and the planet itself suffering IMMENSE SIGNS OF ABUSE AND NEGLECT, BUT QUITE READY FOR REJUVENATION AS WELL!" What is the sense in having any other conversation between nations? If the alien did come how do we suppose to get along if we have not done so here, amongst ourselves all ONE HUMAN FORM, ALL ON ONE PLANET? "All talking heads, all the media, all the teachers, the masters, the gurus, all the leaders of the world, THERE IS NO OTHER CONVERSATION WORTH HAVING"! "isn't time? really; Isn't it time we saw our ONENESS ? However long we've been here, whoever has the right religion, whic...